Whales vagina
Saint James?
Wikipedia knows what saint the city was named after: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Diego#Name
Sandy eggo
“Let go my sandy eggo!” Just doesn’t sound very appetizing.
Sand the eggo.
Oh heck yeah friggin racist le epic owned
People clapped so hard their hands hurt.
And then we all clapped
Saint Jack
“A whale’s vagina.”
Go fuck yourself, San Diego.
"No, I don’t think that’s correct "
For reference, San Diego and Tijuana back right up to each other and have one of the busiest border crossings in the country.
You’re going to hear Spanish there.
Btw, San Diego would be Saint James.
Best we can do is Saint America.
It’s wild that the name Diego becomes James in English!
I would’ve thought of Daniel or something but no, JAMES
There’s a less popular name “Jago” in English that would fit. I think that also comes from Jacob or Iago.
So I reckon “Saint Jago”
Diego (Diogo in Portuguese) is a modification of the name Tiago which in turn is the diminutive of Santiago which is the name of the apostle James in Spanish and Portuguese.
Maybe Saint Jim would convey the idea better?
San Diego <- Santiago <- Sant Iago <- Sanctus Iákōbos -> Sanct Iacobus -> Saint Iacomus -> Saint James
And Iákōbos from Hebrew Yaaqob
So Jacob and James come from the same origin?
That is correct. Greek Iakóbos to Latin Iacobus to Jakobus to late latin Jacomus to early French Jammes to english James
vs a more direct Yaaqob to Jacob or via Jakobus to Jacob
This also explains why the short form of James is Jim, via french Jaime
And how Jack and James and Jim and Jacob and Seamus and Thiego and Diego and Jaime and Giacomo, Iacopo and Hamish are all related.
In the streets of shame
Where you’ve lost your dreams in the rain
There’s no signs of hope
The stems and seeds of the last of the dope
There’s a glow of light
The Saint Jimmy is the spark in the night
Bearing gifts and trust
A fixture in the city of lust
I wouldn’t mind that at all lol has a nice ring to it. But I would feel insulted if I don’t get treated well in a city where I’m a saint.
jimjam5 wouldn’t mind the name Saint Jim?
I feel you’re biased 😋
Tiago > Iago* > Jacob > James. It’s still a dumb demand.
That’s English for ya! You would think that after the Great Vowel Shift people would have considered re-spelling words and names to more properly fit their roots, but evidently instead they just decided to start pronouncing everything wrong.
It also seems like English changing the letter J from a /j/ sound to a /dzj/ sound didn’t help, going by how “Iacobus” became Jacob somewhere down that line.
Yup, that’s the part that drives me most crazy.
That’s interesting and all but many Spanish speaking people have had family on this side of the border since California was a Mexican territory.
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Well, California was a Spanish colony, sfter all.
Not only, it used to be a Mexican State
Lmao, if you live in San Diego and can’t handle Spanish you’re gonna have a bad time.
All of Southern California really.
My favorite is when dickhead white folks say they want “all the brown people to go back where they came from,” without the slightest clue that they were here first, and then they get real pissy when you point that fact out.
Yeah I point out that Texas used to actually be part of Mexico and the border moved, not the people.
The border moved because Mexico had banned slavery so they fought a war to keep it.
Texas is the only state in the union to fight a war for slavery TWICE.
And that, kids, is the important thing to remember about The Alamo
Apparently white folk in Texas despise being called Texicans
Isn’t Texas properly pronounced as Te-has, a Mexican name?
Tejas is from the native americans, if I remember rightly. Something to do with ‘friend’ or ‘friendship’ I think. Then it gets filtered through the spanish language before coming to english as texas.
We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.
In capitalist America.
I live in a white flight town in the bay area. We’re still 20% Hispanic. Maybe Shasta?
Even then, most of California was predominantly Hispanic from the mid 1700s onward. When the Spaniards came to Baja California in the mid 1750s, they established 5 Franciscan missions in baja, along with 21 missions between San Diego and just north of the bay. They mixed with the indigenous population, who then became known as Californios. It wasn’t until white people started showing up just prior to and especially during the gold rush, with then California becoming a US state in 1850. Even then, it wasn’t until the late 1800s/early 1900s that California became predominantly white, and that was primarily due to the sheer number of white folks that moved west in such numbers that eclipsed the local Hispanic population.
So Californication?
The epitome of Californication lol
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St Jacob
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Especially ironic in San Diego, where literally anywhere in the city is a mere 15 minute drive to the Mexican border.
San Diego is full of the wildly entitled and elderly though, so the self-selecting personalities can’t be a surprise for anyone who has lived there.
It’d be a really pleasant place to live if it weren’t for the huge amount of selfish, entitled fucking pricks that do.
The accurate response to this is “a whale’s vagina.” Idk how one can live there and not know this.
Foreigner here, what’s the joke there?
It’s from the movie Anchorman with Will Ferrell, it’s his pickup line on a date.
Scholars maintain that the translation was lost long ago!
Woof. I said something similar before seeing your comment.
This stuff is embarassimg. I swear, next time i travel I’m gonna have to claim I am Canadian.
The stupid - it burns!
Don’t pedestalize Canadians. We’re just as dumb and racist. Remember, ppl are unironically fighting for private health care.
I didn’t intend to do that. I realize you also have a growing right-wing that is on the same page as ours, and there are other excesses, along with insane housing issues.
I also feel like the ire of the world is not as strongly directed at you. We have decadea of negative stereotypes. It comes from being “in your face” for so long and having such outsize influence in the world.
I remember encountering several negative ideas during my term abroad in Europe during college and was very careful to avoid reinforcing any of them.
Lemme tell you. I going around telling Americans “dont”.
The KKK used to be a part of the rcmp. We’re just as bad, we just didn’t do the big S. And we’ve been coasting on that rep for to long.
I heard there’s a tariff on those Canadian pins and badges.
I’ll pick them up in the tax-free section of the airport! :)
Why? They can be just as stupidly racist.
It’s an old tactic used by American travellers, put a Canadian flag cap or patch on the bag and present themselves as Canadian to avoid the negative stereotypes, I’ve personally talked to more than one American doing this in my life and read about it more often online too. I guess it’s only gonna get more popular.
That is what i was referencing with my comment.
Yeah, i know. See my other reply from moments ago. I’ve never heard the term “ugly Canadian” or railing against their imperialist culture abroad. I’ve seen some latent sense of superiority over them (especially wrt frankophones) but not outright hatred. They aren’t treated like a threat, from my limited experience, and that was before our government went Fascist.
The racism or the made up story?
Both. Sure, the actual exchange might be made-up. The problem is that it’s entirely plausible it is real. I’ve seen this kind of exchange happen on video (which of course could also be made up). It’s common for television shows to do stories on what the “person on the street” knows about some topic. For local news stories, it’s usually to showcase how poorly educated “the youths” are today.
Periodically a reporter will go to a public place and showcase how people answer questions that arguably should be fairly easy to answer with an elementary school education or if they check in with some news source regularly and actually understand the topic. The worst ones are where they are “confidently incorrect”.
Jimmy Kimmel does this regularly for laughs. I’ve seen several examples going back decades from various local news programs. In all cases, I’m confident they are showing the 10% of interviewees that were the most clueless, and not showing the other 90%. Still, the level of cluelessness on the ones they do show is often truly frightening.
Mi vida, llevo 30 años viviendo en esta frontera, 0% falsa la historia; pasa todo el día en todas partes.
Je suis desolee - Je ne comprends pas l’espagnol. Parlez-vous francais ou l’anglais ? ;)
I have seen variations on this online for a long time, and this has always baffled me: do strangers in America really go up to random people who are speaking foreign languages and tell them “you are in X, speak Xese”, a language they may or may not speak? Even among people who share their native language?
You can get the same in Quebec for speaking English.
Yeah there’s a segment of arrogant racist halfwit conservatives that get a superiority kick out of demeaning people for stuff like that.
When I was a kid my mother’s boyfriend bragged of doing exactly this. He heard them having a conversation in another language at a gas station, approached them, and started speaking to them in German. When they were confused he allegedly said exactly the phrase. You are in America, speak English. He thought it was hysterical.
He may have been full of shit, but the fact that he felt it worth bragging about said enough about him.
I saw it twice that I can remember in person in my ~30 years growing up and living in the US. Can’t speak for the last decade as I’ve only spent a couple weeks in the US in that time to see family.
Sadly, but also a bit humorously, yes.