Americans aren’t getting any lockdowns in the next 4 years regardless of any pandemic.
Oh we’re getting lockdowns alright, just not related to anything the WHO will recommend.
Remember how ok conservatives were about the parts of covid you could be racist about? Yeah they’re more or less going to do that but just those parts and probably unrelated to a virus.
And the parts that inconvenienced them.
If NY was locked down with refrigerator trailers full of the dead, that’s fine. If Dallas has the same, fuckit, we’re going to Applebee’s.
There’s a serious level of chauvinism to their ideological club.
Curious to know what you mean here.
What parts of a virus could they find to be racist about?
A lot of people blamed Asians conceptually for Covid, everything from saying it came from eating dogs to the idea of the Chinese government making it on purpose.
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well then there’s stuff like this that scratch my head link
Think about it for a second, even if it was a man made virus how would you go about proving that without somebody saying “yeah it was me and this is how I did it in immaculate detail”, and even if somebody did that there’s a decent chance they’re lying for the fame.
I read that there would be genetic markers of a manmade virus, and that this virus’s RNA matched a natural evolution.
Every action leaves some sort of trace.
What about the woke mind virus pandemic?
Maybe the brain worm one.
How many lives have to be sacrificed for them to understand?
About 65M.
Rookie numbers
Oh, you’re blaming voters instead of the elites. I wondered what your number was.
They understand already
Only those in red states who vote trump
It won’t be the pandemic it will be curfews when Trump enacts Marshall Law to combat the “dangerous brown people” in our cities.
That Marshall guy sounds like a dick
I think GOP won’t go along
so which country do you hail from?
Us? U?
Oh we’ll get lockdowns
Anyone who’s even looks like the people of the country where the first case is identified will be locked down… in concentration camps.
The only nice thing in America is that states can make their own laws; when the bird flu pandemic starts, sane states will institute rules to deal with it, they don’t need to wait for the federal government
Since you apparently were not around just a few short years ago, that’s controlled by the states.
Your ignorance is astounding.
Oh wow, burn!
Yeah but if the president himself is telling the people to not worry about it, what hope do the states have in enforcing it.
See: Boris Johnson vs The Lockdowns, and what effect that had on the public.
I could only BE so lucky. Lockdowns were a boon on both my partner’s and my life. I feel horrid for folks who were affected negatively but it was the best two years of our life, doing nothing but experiencing each other alone at home.
I mis those days to. Cleaner air, relax living,…
Yhe lack of traffic in London was amazing
I loved lockdown. I had so much stuff in my chest freezer I got to use, we both lost a bunch of necessary weight due to actually following serving sizes. I beat like, three games in my backlog. Didn’t have to visit anybody, didn’t have to leave the house. I worked from home, and worked enough to pay off my student loans and buy two luxury watches. Plus donate to my alma mater’s fund for students stuck on campus. That was after my month long furlough, that is. Where I spent my time baking and cleaning and painting and every week I trimmed my facial hair into worse and worse creations to annoy my wife. We got an inflatable hot tub. I set up a project in the basement. We got a dog. It was one of the best years of my adult life.
Only downside is my grandma died.
I’m so sorry about your gramma D: That absolutely sucks.
Thank you. Thankfully, she didn’t pass from covid, it was the culmination of her dementia. She didn’t even know there was a pandemic going on. Covid did affect me visiting her, but I did still get to say goodbye we. I was even one of the 10 people allowed at her funeral. She hadn’t been well for a long time, and it was really unfortunate that she didn’t pass before the pandemic, and more of her relatives would have been able to be there and we could have really celebrated her. I loved her dearly, and she deserved so much more.
I thought it was great. The streets were clean, the skies were clear, the lines at the supermarket were short, traffic was minor… and despite what people claimed, you could go out for a walk whenever you wanted, at least around here.
I talked to my neighbors much more during lockdown than I do these days.
Unfortunately I actually fear this may happen with the rise of MPOX in the states. If the people in charge of HHS and the Pandemic Response team get gutted or mislead then I fear we will be back to COVID lockdown but for MPOX.
Don’t worry, they would probably make any effective controls illegal at the federal level so no lockdowns, masks or vaccines for the next pandemic in the US.
Hell, they’ll probably make us pay back the economic impact payments we got during the last pandemic.
Don’t worry there won’t be a lockdown we’ll just die
Hahahaha….ha…………ha looks around in silent alarm
Welcome to the party, pal!
I’m not really worried about a Mpox pandemic as it only spreads by touch as far as we know. My concern is bird flu. We’re starting to see more cases of it infecting humans and if it turns into a pandemic is will likely be extremely deadly.
Could still be for COVID. It’s still kicking around
Ohh I know it’s still around but it’s it’s just endemic now and not pandemic. And we have a vaccine even if people don’t take it.
It’s not endemic yet because it continues to mutate, and while vaccinations reduce how many people die, they do not equate to immunity, meaning infection rates continue to be unstable. It won’t hit endemic until the numbers are predictable, and that hasn’t happened yet.
Vaccinations also do not provide much in terms of protection from long covid. I would argue while the acute phase of covid may be working towards becoming endemic, the post-Covid condition is not. 11% of covid infections become long covid (that’s vaccinated and not combined) and 25% of those never go away. On top of this, risk of long covid increases every time someone contracts covid,as does the risk of it being permanent. So with no mitigations in place, we are pushing towards a mass disabling event that none of the health centres, governments, etc. are talking about.
Due to pandemic or martial law?
Nuclear winter actually
At least i won’t have to patrol the Mojave…
I read this as marital law
The way conservatives “think” it may as well be. American Taliban.
Nuclear pandemic initiated martial law iirc
Definitely the latter with RFK Jr. in charge of healthcare.
2025 obligatory alternatives to social distancing:
-Isolate in the office, just never go home (and keep working of course)
-Instead of not going to work, you can get a free brain worm at one of the new brain worm dispensaries
-ingest a lethal dose of Ivermectin
-Storm and plunder one of the official buildings on the list published on the Department of Patriotism’s website (must bring own gallows parts)
Best anti immigration solution ever found: have a deadly unchecked pandemic
Is this just a shitpost or is it a reference I don’t get?
The former
There was so much BS in the extended QAnon bubble (like all vaccinated people will die in September) that it felt like one of that. Sad how I can’t enjoy shitposts for what they are anymore. See what they have taken from us.
Evidence based prediction
Not again
Ouch. That hurt me right in the climate change.
There was another lockdown?
Yeah, March 2025, don’t you remember? Plate armour was back in for a while.
Thank Christ we finally get away from the endless skinny jeans -> baggy jeans cycle.
I could never find chain mail that fit properly
Way back in '25, yeah, it wasn’t as big as the ones we had recently but they say the latest pandemic should start to clear up by next year. Hopefully it won’t be like the predictions they made in 2034.
back in '25
Me and some guys from school
We bought a van and we packed it hard:
Toilet rolls, masks, gasoline.
We thought we could resell it all to tards.
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Nobody (at least of the responsible people in Germany) was considering the psychological ramifications of lockdown.
So lockdown is not the best solution like the official places are claiming.
Counterpoint: lockdowns were the best times of the last 5 years for people like myself. Everybody handles them differently.