Reminder also, that the electric grid is more complicated than this. We in America won’t lose power if he flips a switch, instead our municipality will be forced to purchase power from other sources. You won’t be inconvenienced, you will just have to pay more.
Save for maybe full-scale nuclear war, the end result of every possible action by this administration and the people responding to them will ALL have the effect of making each of us pay more. This is the plan, this is why they’re doing it, they’re trying to drain the wealth of the average American so we become like any other developing nation with a massive population living in shanties and a wealthy elite who control everything and have no limitations to what they can do, because all the governing systems and oversight has been stripped. This is the plan, it’s not particularly clever, but it works fantastically well, just ask every other nation that’s been toppled from within by obnoxious authoritarians. America is not immune.
Our only real hope here is that they move too fast and make people uncomfortable enough that people start rallying sooner than later. The ousting always comes, the worry is that it will be too late to save democracy and all the myriads of systems that have maintained a functional nation for a couple centuries.
I don’t doubt the reputation of the writer or his general knowledge of economics…
But this is coping. The Trump administration is trying to wave their hands around and create a giant fuss for people like us and this writer to speculate on and create debates and panels to think about… while he and his people simply walk out of the white house with the treasury and all the inside investment opportunities they will ever want.
He’s just making chaos, plain and simple. These ideas about his master plan to disrupt the world’s reliance on the US dollar? Distraction and coping.
I agree this administration is more clever than we give them credit for, but any house thief can step up their game and pull of a heist when they set their mind to it, it’s not some kind of magic skill. If anything, I think it’s harmful to assume Trump is at all smart or has a plan because this makes a lot more assumptions than the most simple answer which is almost always the correct determination. He is making a mess because his ONLY plan is to make you think he has a plan. He does this with literally everything he says or announces, why would anyone think this is different? This is EXACTLY the fucking delusion I was railing against in another comment. There is no plan. Nobody is coming. Stop thinking others are smarter than you or have a backup plan.
My evidence? We’ve done all this fucking before, this is part 2 of a failure of a presidency. He didn’t change the world before, he won’t here. (Other than diminishing the US role in geopolitics so Russia can take center stage, all he really wants right now)