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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024


  • THERE IT IS EVERYONE!!! Troll can’t be happy unless they’re moving the goal posts, now they need thorough context for each and every word Musk has ever said!!

    To answer your question, despite you not asking it in good faith and then following it up with two uses of the R-slur: A female journalist raised legitimate criticism of Musk, and he completely disregarded everything she had to say. That’s childish, and misogynist, since I’m sure if Daddy Trump or Papa Putin weighed criticism on him, he wouldn’t have dismissed it.

    So I answered your fucking question and gave you “sPeCiFicAlLy” what you asked for, so you’re fucking welcome, troll, not that you know how to say “thank you.”

    And reported for use of the R-slur.

  • I’m not really interested in your bullshit anymore. There are tweets, from him. There are articles about him quoting tweets he’s used highlighting everything everyone here us telling you. Fucking happy? Can you fucking comprehend now? They’re his words, from his official verified X account.

    “FYI I specifically asked for” GO FUCK YOURSELF. I specifically told you to fucking use your fucking brain and Google all of this, but you refuse, because you’re a fucking troll just like Musk, whose cock you have so far down your throat it’s tickling your taint.

  • I interpreted it as “You hold beliefs that directly contradict the work you’re performing, therefore, you have a bias that needs to be shown wasn’t a factor in your research by having your research successfully replicated by those who do not share your bias.”

    A Crusade was never launched on behalf of science, people were never burned at the stake because of science, babies are not still being mutilated at birth against their will (circumcision or genital mutilation of young girls) because of science, and AIDs was not spread unchecked across the world due to government’s lack of science.

    It’s religion, it ruins literally everything, especially science.

  • He made “cis” a slur on Twitter because it upsets him that his ex who left him is trans, and he hates trans people. He’s had plenty of tweets and posts complaining about pronouns, trans people in general, and so on.

    I can’t speak to the misogyny (but I’m sure it’s there), but instead if arguing with people about you “jUsT aSkInG a QuEsTiOn” you could just Google “Elon Musk queerphobic tweets” and Google will supply plenty.

    I did, and the first two results were articles from former Twitter/X employees claiming there were homophobic and anti-semitic attacks on the platform after Musk took over. So yeah… Not sure what you want anyone here to do for you that you can’t do yourself via a Google search, you clearly know how to type, and the phrase I suggested is less characters than all your comments combined.

    Edit: And then after you did some googling and found the answers, you could edit your comment to say, “Wow, hey guys, I was wrong, he really is misogynistic queerphobic piece of shit,” and be done with it, instead of doubling down like a troll.

  • I was in an uber with a friend in some Baltimore traffic when the driver almost rear-ended the car in front of us. She was distracted talking to us, I think, was telling us about her life or something.

    Immediately after she slammed on the brakes, she admitted to us she was high as a kite, and then went into explaining how she hides it from her rides (uses the ozium stuff to make the smell disappear, leaving a window of time between pickups to ensure the car aired out, etc). Vaping wasn’t as commonplace back then, as I think Colorado and only one other state had legalised it at that point.

    But, like, damn lady… Why are you telling your two passengers this right after you almost got into a nasty wreck? We just wanted to get to the bar 😂

  • My doggo will normally follow verbal commands for sit/down/shake without much issue. But sometimes he gets too excited or obstinate and doesn’t want to do it even if I’ve said so a few times. At some point, I inadvertently taught him that me putting my hand(s) on my hip(s) is the “Ok, we’re not moving on until you listen” gesture.

    I make him sit before he eats, and if he isn’t sitting, I’ll just put my hand on my hip and he immediately plants his ass against the floor, tail wagging. He also knows the question, “Are you begging?” if he’s too close to someone eating, and he’ll put his head down and slowly skulk away for 5 minutes before sneakily returning to his previous position, hoping for scraps. 😆

  • I watched a family of three walk from the store to the literal last, furthest parking spot that they chose to park in (the lot had plenty of parking much closer) with their cart. They unloaded it into their Tesla, and then put it on the grass mound next to their spot, also next to the road, and drove away.

    I get that some employees like being able to kill time getting the far, stray carts, but… Hooooo-ly shit I could smell the entitlement wafting off them when they walked by.

  • This sounds like “if you don’t like capitalism, why do you have a cell phone and BUY food ?”

    Well, why do they? The cell phone uses private and public infrastructure to be transported and operated, which they don’t contribute to, and these sovcits are gung-ho on private rights and all that, so why should a private company like Verizon have to allow them to use their wireless or internet networks?

    And unless they walk across the air to get to the store to buy food, all of that was transported via public infrastructure (roads, trains, ships, etc), of which they would also need to utilize to get their food. Again, none of which they want to contribute to.

    Some people it seems would orefer if there were nine if that. That it is an intolerable imposition on them to be forced to support all that with no real say in the matter and no possibility of escape.

    No one is stopping them from checking out of society and living in the woods or whatever. Again, you don’t get the benefits of the social contract and then decide you’re special and none of the obligations are applicable to you, personally.

    Life’s not fair and it sucks, get over it.

    I feel it boils down to “if you don’t like it, go live on Mars”

    No, again, they’re welcome to live in the woods or wherever. There’s no magic combination of words or make believe forms that gets you out of taxes or alimony or to get a house for free or whatever other nonsense these sovcits are coming up with.

    It’s pure entitlement on their part, that they’re somehow more specialer than the rest of humanity who also didn’t choose to be here and also had no say in the capitalist hellscape we all get to live in.

  • Well that may explain an interaction between a possum and my sisters dog a few years ago. When I lived with my sister I’d take their mastiff out on her leash and walk her around their property while I had a smoke. We’d do this all times of day and night.

    I’d drop the leash if we were in the backyard since it was fenced on two sides and only one gate to get into the front, which I could keep an eye on while she explored. One night, it had to have been about midnight, she was obsessed with this one spot in the tall grass, like, would not leave this spot. So after about five minutes I went to grab her, and she’s fighting me, nose buried in this spot. I finally turn my flashlight on and walk over, and there’s a possum curled up in the tall grass. And she’s licking it…

    I pull her away, since, I’m sure dogs shouldn’t be licking wild animals, especially ones that are dead, right? Like, only a dead possum would let another animal lick it, right? Wrong. As I’m looking at it to make sure she didn’t lick up any maggots or was eating any rotten meat, it turned it’s head towards me, eyes squinting, like, “Do you mind? I was having the most wonderful dream of a bath.” It wasn’t playing possum, I’ve seen them do that, it was literally just curled up in grass, sleeping, while a dog 6X its size was licking it head to toe.