I… well, yes.
I mean, normally these “adult hot take” things on children stories are forced to present a cynical joke, but… yeah no, that’s the entire point of the story. Like, that’s the plot. It’s what the movie is literally about.
If you really want to get down to brass tacks about it, the movie was saying love can transcend appearance, not necessarily sex. Loving relationships don’t have to include gargling beast balls, so I’d say the adult hot take is still valid.
Loving relationships don’t have to include gargling beast balls
I don’t know, that’s very clearly romantic love they’re talking about throughout the whole thing. The entire point of the curse is making the Beast ugly so he’d have to be nice to get some, and she certainly didn’t get into that dress to friendzone him.
You made me go check, the curse demands that he “learn to love another, and earn HER love in return”. I don’t think beloved drinking buddies would have cut it. This is not subtext, it’s the text.
I mean yes but asexuals exist and we can feel romantic love too
Disney in general shows very clearly only romantic love
The Internet shows the rest
gargling beast balls - name of my sex tape.
Name of my death metal band
That is way more punk than metal.
Could be punk too yeah
I did not expect to read that particular sentence when I got up this morning.
So it did help you get up then?
Brass tacks. 🤔 Always would have assumed brass tax, but now I know. Funny how I’ve probably never seen those two words written together in over 40 years.
An eggcorn! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggcorn
Bone Apple Tea has a Wikipedia entry?!
My new word for the day! Thank you :)
I feel betrayed
Right! What else isn’t as we assume. The whole fabric of reality is crumbling around us.
I know idioms don’t necessarily have to make sense, but how were you imagining getting down to a tax? Like it was at the bottom of a list of taxes or something?
I don’t really know if I ever gave it any thought, but thinking now I would likely have assumed there might have been a tax on brass goods at some point. 🤷
Sex can transcend appearance much easier than love can.
My argument: as a shepherd, would you realistically consider any of your sheep as a love interest?
I rest my case.
Depends. In this scenario, how Welsh am I?
Lol, fair point
Belle discovering that she had a monster-fucker kink, mid-Stockholm Syndrome/Lima Syndrome tango, only to have that taken away from her at the last minute?
You saw her face at the end of the movie, it wasn’t just surprise, it was disappointment! 😂
Still, she and Beast working through their problems and having a healthy relationship after… well, the involuntary confinement thing was over.
Well yeah. Did you see how he eats oatmeal? Now imagine that messy enthusiasm where it matters. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lindsay Ellise, before the internet’s most worthless people drove her off youtube, made a very good video talking about the trope of women and their monster partners in media.
She’s on nebula and I’m pretty sure you can watch a video for free to get a taste.
I didn’t know she quit, what the hell happened?
I think people got mad at something she said about Avatar on twitter (the cartoon not the movie), and her anti-fandom reached a critical mass spreading around every single thing she’d ever said that could be interpreted uncharitably, and with her book out and her presence on Nebula secured she decided that being on YouTube was more trouble than its worth.
The less succinct version is that she was considered one of the OG progressive youtubers who gained a huge following and as a result has garnered a LOT of harassment over the years she was running. (Keep in mind she was at peak of her youtube career around the time of “Gamergate”) When she directed mild criticism towards the Disney movie “Raya and the Last Dragon” and how it was derivative of Avatar, I can’t remember the details but something about the way she made the comparison set her up to be attacked by online chuds pretending to be concerned progressives attacking her for being “anti-asian.”
Lindsay Ellis was a champion of equality and diversity and the details were infuriatingly minor and stupid (which is why I can’t even remember it) but it was just the final straw and her mental health couldn’t handle any more threats, attacks and condemnations and she left Youtube other than doing some guest bits with other old-time Breadtubers and she still does work on Nebula.
I fully get how even if you make a widely praised and well-received work, you will tend to fixate on the negative reviews the most, but this was the end of a long-term campaign to bully her off the internet and we can’t expect every content creator to have inhuman thick skin. That said, I wish she would have just got off Twitter and kept making content, we could use her more than ever.
He was hotter as a furry.
Lindsay Ellise did an entire video about girls and monsters. Worth watching.
Step 1: be rich
Step 2: Be tall.
Any step after step one is optional.
Well he does seem rich.
Bro gives her her own library. So yes, that may have played a role.
wonder if he had that dog dong that inflates
You know she wanted to take the knot
As a very happy knot-taker (bad dragon) she is not wrong to want that. It’s an EXPERIENCE.
I’ll add this along with “gargling beast balls” to the list of sentences I wasn’t expecting to read today.
You don’t?
12"!..11", 10, 9, 8, 8.5…stop! Stop!.. 6…5.5"
Darn! WTF! How do we turn you back?
Omg! That’s 9 years old? How did Disney allow such greatness? My only complaint is that its fairly softcore lol.
😏 those who know.
We don’t know what happened after they danced, but we do know she didn’t say I love you during.
tale as old as time~
Get out
I mean, he was incredibly rich. That probably helped.
OG furry lover. No kink shaming
deleted by creator