President Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter Biden, reversing his prior stance against using executive clemency.
The pardon covers Hunter’s federal gun conviction and tax evasion guilty plea, sparking political controversy.
Biden cited political attacks and a “miscarriage of justice” as reasons for his decision, emphasizing his son’s recovery from addiction and the targeting of his family.
Critics argue the move undermines the judicial process, while supporters view it as within Biden’s constitutional powers.
This decision shields Hunter from potential prison time as Biden nears the end of his presidency.
Critics argue the move undermines the judicial process, …
Oh shut the fuck up.
The Supreme Court undermined the judicial system.
I really appreciate that you took the time to bold it, made me chuckle 😁 I feel you though 💙
Why did Biden say he had full faith in the judicial process this entire year until now then?
I would hope he was lying. I can’t imagine he’s so stupid he can’t see.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he can’t see or understand the situation very well. The man is ancient.
Who says liars can’t also be stupid?
True. Just look at Drump.
He probably didn’t expect the US to elect a fascist…
He wasn’t around in 2016 huh.
Well, there’s something to be said for that election… 2016 I honestly figured Trump would be no difference than Clinton, in all honestly. They are both wealthy oligarchs, who look to solidify their interests.
Obviously, that was not true.
The votes came in. The country chose corruption and “fuck it” politics. At this point Joe just wants to protect himself / family from the coming retribution administration.
This is yet another example of Biden just not doing things sufficiently enough. He must issue a preemptive umbrella pardon for himself, as Trump’s DOJ, FBI, and CIA will go after him
I agree, he should push the limit of what’s possible to force the Supreme Court to rule on the actions, call their bluff, lay bare the hypocrisy officially for all the world to see.
Exactly. By not testing the supreme court, he is seen as being complicit in the manipulation of the system that Trump plans to implement and he might fall victim of it himself. The chances that Biden dies of old age during a lengthy court case or in jail, unfortunately, are non-zero.
In any case, Dem’s lack of imagination is just astounding
Dems have always been cowards :/
Testing the supreme court could also result in certain dictatorial powers for Trump. At the moment they are only theoretical.
Trump will test anyway, so not testing only delays the inevitable
He should have threatened to start jailing Senators as an official act unless they pass a law/amendment saying that he can’t.
He still can, in fact.
He pardoned himself in his mind, same way Trump declassified those documents.
Exactly! The same way Trump locked Hillary up in prison after he won in 2016 right.
History has now shown us that there was evidently no one on the ballot who wasnt a “corruption and fuck it politics” candidate.
I’ve always found it absurd that presidents possess the authority to grant pardons. It trivializes our judicial system and undermines its integrity. This power should not be vested in the presidency.
It’s supposed to be a check on the judicial. Are you suggesting it should be vested elsewhere or just not at all? I wouldn’t remove any checks on this court personally
How does this check work?
I mean if you’re president is an unethical convict, like the next one, it obviously doesn’t work as intended.
The judiciary should be entirely separated from the political as per the trias politica.
I mean that’s what it was meant for, to pardon political victims of the court. None of it was meant to work with political parties though like Washington(?) warned though. But none of it was meant for that
The president is then in turn checked by the legislature, who hold the power to impeach and remove.
Just that everything that works in theory stops working when you have 250 years to break it.
Honestly, I think it’s more of a practical matter. Even if they didn’t have explicit pardon power, whoever’s in charge of the executive has effective pardon powers by simply denying to carry out the orders of the court (see Jackson’s behavior which lead to the trail of tears).
At least by making it official it’s a lot more clear what’s going on, and maybe they had hoped this would lead to electoral consequences for those who abused it?
Most of these comments are a great example of how stupid Americans are.
All my life Dems have been held to a higher standard. I’ve watched them take the high road so many times while the Republicans went low. Continued to honor decorum when Republicans refused.
And guess what happened?
Americans told them to go fuck themselves and voted for blatant Republican corruption instead.
And now there’s a bunch of comments in here whining about how Democrats are corrupt for doing this.
Go fuck yourselves. Clowns.
He said he wouldn’t but at this point Joe might as well YOLO idk anymore.
It would be cool if he went out in a blaze of glory that wasn’t self serving. Like legalizing weed, arming Ukraine, and just generally trying to fuck shit up for Trump before he gets in.
this, except 3 years ago?
four years of dark brandon would have gotten democrats the trifecta.
A blaze of glory would be utilizing his Supreme-Court-granted powers of presidential immunity and officially act to save, at bare minimum, the country.
Right, there is always that elephant in the room.
He did approve long range missiles for Ukraine. So, he kind of did.
He can’t pardon those things. He can improve them, but nothing like the absolute power of the pardon.
Don’t forget getting rid of the penny and axing daylight saving time. 100% president of the century if he executive ordered these things.
I don’t think it’s so much YOLO as recognizing that Hunter would be a target of Trump once he assumes office.
It seems to me to be a form of self defense. People do things that they otherwise wouldn’t do when the alternative is bad enough.
A lot of people here missing the point. We don’t care about this because Hunter was the target of a witch hunt. The actual “crimes” weren’t impactful at all. The Republicans literally spent 8 years dragging him through the mud, digging for anything that he could be charged with, just because who his dad is. And Hunter didn’t even touch politics in the slightest.
The gun charge is the moral equivalent of crucifying someone for having pirated music on their hard drive. It was a nothing crime, never enforced, and the only reason it was in this case was because they happened to find something they could latch onto.
I don’t know anything about the tax evasion conviction. If it was serious, then sure, fuck him. But I’d want them going after every politician AND their family with equal vigor. But guess what? They aren’t.
That’s why most of us don’t really care. The man is not important. He holds no position of power, nor has he expressed any intent to. He is not important, except as a whipping boy for their propaganda. And a pardon for such preposterous prosecution is fine with me.
We don’t care about this because Hunter was the target of a witch hunt.
He was convicted in court by a jury of his peers same as every other American under charges would see. He wasnt convicted in some political “witch hunt” process in congress, nor was he convicted by an activist judge. The congressional investigation went nowhere and was shut down. Hunters convictions carried a sentence of 15 to 21 months. If his conviction is unfair and needs to be resisted then the entire system of justice in america is unfair.
The actual “crimes” weren’t impactful at all.
thats not your call to make. This is just another case of hard justice being for the little people only, and you seem to be cheering that on. How low can you go, man. Biden spent a lifetime banging tables pretending to be a tough on crime guy. You seem to have forgotten all of that.
This never should have been before a jury.
The prosecution had agreed to drop the gun charge as apart of a plea bargain (because it’s a crime that is only ever used as an add-on for violent crimes). But the fucking judge rejected the plea deal after Biden had admitted guilt.
That’s bullshit and 100% should have been thrown out.
I’m not a lawyer, but I thought the way it worked was that the prosecutor offers the plea bargain and the accused accepts but it’s still up to the judge’s discretion whether that accepted plea bargain goes through, meaning that the system was working as it always works and it wasn’t some sort of special persecution deal.
The judge almost never throws out a plea bargain - and it’s almost unheard of for one to throw it out for not being harsh enough.
They’re more often rejected for thing like a plea bargain where the case should be dismissed entirely or the defendant has a very good chance of winning or securing a lesser conviction at trial. Judges are supposed to err on the side of leniency.
Rejecting a plea bargain because a charge that is almost never prosecuted is being dismissed is judicial malpractice.
The gun crime he was convicted for is one that anyone who has ever smoked pot is guilty of if they ever touched a gun before quitting pot entirely.
If a resident of Colorado eats a gummy legally and has a gun in the safe at home, they’ve committed the same crime.
If Conservatives cared about this law, all they would have to do is pull dispensary ID logs and probably a tenth or more of all gun applicants could be arrested. But they don’t do that because people don’t care, and they just want another law they can apply selectively.
He was convicted in court by a jury of his peers same as every other American under charges would see.
So was Trump. But he got away with it and is now President. Hell, he didn’t even have to go through the process for most of his crimes. Just bypassed it all.
Nothing else matters now. The rest of your comment is irrelevant. The justice system is irrelevant.
Free Hunter!!!
First, did Bidden just notice that his son was a target of a “witch hunt” after the election? Or was he just lying before?
And second, Bidden literally controlled the DOJ for 4 years. It was his call whether to go after other corrupt politicians or not.
I think Biden was holding out hope in the institutions and people of America and was sorely disappointed, like a lot of us, so is doing what he has to, like a lot of us.
Biden was waiting to see if America’s institutions and citizens would hold up and pass the test. They did not. They failed spectacularly, in fact. A criminal became president and will now not be held accountable for his crimes, and citizens voted explicitly for that corruption.
I’d be damned if I was sitting president if I would let my son be in prison for non-violent crimes when a criminal who openly stated he would target his political opponents sits in the Oval Office.
Clearly taking the high road doesn’t work in America, so why the fuck should Biden continue doing so?
It is amazing to me how people will make excuses for a lying politician that even he did not bother to make.
What’s amazing to me is that you people fall for the rage bait every time.
Crocodile tears for this rich shitty little partier silver spooned brat, but anyone else convicted by a jury of their peers should go to jail where they belong, huh.
Then he’s an idiot who had no business in office in the first place.
But he’s not an idiot and he’s been in government for decades. On top of that, he lived through January 6th like the rest of us.
He just didn’t give a shit.
It’s common practice for outgoing presidents to wrap up loose ends like this. Late term pardons are not a new thing.
Yeah, but he’s a Democrat, so he’s held to higher standards than Republicans.
If a Republican did this you probably wouldn’t have even heard about it.
Do we need any better example than what just happened to know that Democrats are held to astronomically high standards, while Republicans can basically do whatever the fuck they want without repercussion?
She had to be flawless and he got to be lawless.
He did not just leave it for later, he actively lied saying he will not pardon Hunter.
You gonna leave your son in prison while a criminal president who explicitly stated he’d target his political opponents sits in the Oval Office?
Republicans just blatantly lied their way into total power and you’re over here whining about a Democrat lying about getting his son out of prison for non-violent crimes on his way out of office?
Your priorities are utterly fucked.
I can simultaneously “whine” about multiple things. I guess I am talented at “whining”.
Also, this kind of shit is part of the reason why that orange won in the first place. Democrats putting up a marginally better candidate and pretending to be saviors of the Earth.
The calories you burned typing your complaint about Biden pardoning Hunter are wasted calories. It’s so irrelevant and small compared to the avalanche of bullshit we’ve already dealt with and will be dealing with for the foreseeable future, that it’s comical to even consider. The fact that Trump made it abundantly clear he’d be targeting his political opponents is all the justification needed for Biden to pardon Hunter.
And no, Democrats putting up a “marginally” better candidate is not how the orange dipshit won. First of all, a successful prosecutor with a doctorate in law and a significant political resume isn’t “marginally” better than a twice impeached convicted felon and rapist who instigated a violent insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election. I don’t know what dimension someone has to live in to think there’s only a “marginal” difference there. Secondly, the orange dipshit is president because Americans are STUPID. Because Americans don’t do their homework. Americans don’t lookup voting histories so they can see that Democrats are way better about voting in favor of the working class. They don’t look up the conviction histories to find out Democrats have WAY, WAY less convicted criminals who have served in their ranks than Republicans. Americans don’t grasp that you aren’t just voting for the person, but the party. Donald Trump is president…again…because Americans are STUPID. Not because Democrats are only “marginally” better.
The calories you burned
Meh, I can use fewer calories.
Americans are STUPID
Can’t argue there.
Americans don’t grasp that you aren’t just voting for the person, but the party.
You literally vote for specific people in the US, unlike in many countries where you vote for parties. That’s the whole point of your incredibly flawed representatives system. Saying people should vote Harris because of her party is like saying people should buy the terrible and useless apple vision because other apple products are good.
a successful prosecutor with a significant political resume
To most people, those sound like red flags, not advantages.
convicted felon and rapist who instigated a violent insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election
I mean, yeah. Americans are stupid. But then again, why should anyone believe those accusations if democrats argue lying is perfectly fine and not an issue?
I mean, true, but does it matter? The new president spits out dozens of lies daily and he got voted in. If anything, this is what the people want, someone who lies to them.
If it doesn’t matter, why is everyone angry at the people who didn’t vote? :D
Because they enabled this system where nothing matters?
This, I think, is what bothers me. I understand the reasoning but still… The pardoning, no surprise. The lying, makes me a bit sad. I understand the reasoning but it still makes me sad.
Guess he changed his mind.
Im uninformed so I know nothing of Hunter’s supposed crimes. Can I get a quick rundown?
If you’re being serious, the gun charge is that he checked some box on a gun application stating that he didn’t have any drug addiction problems. IIRC, it was after he got his shit together and was sober.
I didn’t follow the tax evasion charge.
I honestly have no in depth knowledge of any of this stuff
I don’t know anything about the tax evasion conviction. If it was serious, then sure, fuck him.
If you can’t even be bothered to read an article about it why should any weight be given to your opinion. The tax fraud was 1.4 million dollars and he actively lied on his returns to avoid payment. He effectively stole over a million dollars, fuck him and all tax cheats.
Ok. What part of that conflicts with what I said?
If he cheated on taxes, then fuck him. But I think it’s generally assumed that these fucks all cheat on their taxes. So if you’re going to go after one, then go after all of them.
And again, he’s not actually a politician, and was only targeted because of who his dad is. If you don’t see that as abuse of authority as revenge against his dad, then there’s no point in talking to you.
Also, if you read the fucking article yourself, it never goes into details on the tax charges.
There is no “if,” he did cheat on his taxes for over a million dollars. Yes, go after all of them! The only reason Hunter got away for so long was because of who his dad is, so kind of karmic that it came back around for the same reason. Hunter received far more leniency for a long time for drugs, gun, and financial crimes due to his wealth and families influence and Joe Biden was instrumental in making sure poor people who do the same thing get punished harshly. Until it was HIS son, then all the excuses came out.
Also, if you read the fucking article yourself, it never goes into details on the tax charges.
This article does not, but none of this is new. We have known about these crimes for years. You displayed absolutely zero curiosity about what crimes he did in your haste to whitewash Biden’s hypocrisy. We will not get better politicians or leaders until we demand it.
I do not care that Hunter was not a politician, though that never prevented him from getting paid off his family name and only avoided punishment for so long because of who his father is. I do not care why the charges come about, these rich fucks need to pay. Maybe if the Democrats were willing to see that the rich and powerful actually face consequences Trump and all these right wing grifters might have been dealt with before they came to power. But back when Trump and Kushner were donating to Democratic campaigns none of them managed to give a shit. We should strive for a higher standard of morality than Donald fucking Trump.
And Hunter didn’t even touch politics in the slightest.
From :
"Biden was a founding board member of BHR Partners, a Chinese investment company, in 2013, and later served on the board of Burisma Holdings, one of the largest private natural gas producers in Ukraine, from 2014 until his term expired in April 2019. He has worked as a lobbyist and legal representative for lobbying firms, a hedge fund principal, and a venture capital and private equity fund investor. "
“Biden was hired to help Burisma with requesting assistance from the U.S government to expand its business and corporate governance best practices,”
I’m not a fan of the nepotism and I don’t plan on defending it. Biden claims he needs to do this to keep his family safe from an unfair system. If he’s going to do stuff like this and acknowledge our institutions are flawed how about do stuff for the American people, Ukraine, or anyone without the last name Biden. The peaceful transfer of power to fascism, but his family got theirs leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
No shit, he had 4 years to do these
He’s got 48 days. It’s time for Joe to get writing.
i would have said ‘no’ a little while ago but now fuck it, the people have spoken. the problem now is that he isn’t doing enough fuckery to benefit the people. supreme court declared that the president is above the law and he isn’t doing anything with that. sc did it for trump but biden could and should use it. literally send everything on the dod depot to ukraine, give unlimited funds to solar and wind, forgive every loan and shoot modafukin steve bannon in the face
Agreed. Fuck 'em. I’d have been bothered if the system held accountable the horrible people that are about to come to power. At this point Hunter’s crimes look like a joke on this background.
His crimes were going away with the plea deal before the right set their sights on him.
Unfortunately, what would that mean in a few months? Trump would have ALL shreds or pretence and standards removed. He’d pull an iraq Parliament, and arrest congresspersons right on the floor. Look up “Saddam purge”.
Now, I’m not saying it won’t happen anyway, but Biden doing it now normalizes it then. The degree to which we give up systemic stability now, is permanent and relevant then. We would hope the sheer novelty / abnormality of trump acting so impulsively would trigger revolt, even from his “base”. That, or we get man-in-thehighcastle-ed and america is broken up as a result.
None of that is good for global welfare.
It’s already normalized for the Republicans. Trump pardoned a family member and is now trying to appoint him as Ambassador to France.
I say it’s about fucking time the Democrats start fighting fire with fire. I’m not honestly sure I’d be disappointed if Biden took Sotomayor’s dissent to heart and used it to solve our nations biggest problem right now, because you can be damn sure that Trump and his advisors will be doing it soon enough anyway. Might as well beat them to the punch a change.
Taking the high road for the last 40+ years has clearly not worked.
Biden shooting a political opponent is not normalized.
Edit bunch of armchair warriors here on Lemmy.
Taking the high road
This pardon is another example of taking the high road?
They’re clearly saying that this is the opposite.
What does hypocrisy mean to you?
I think hypocrisy implies similarities in transgressions. And if you’re talking about that in this context it just shows your ignorance.
You’re projecting.
Quotes from President Joe Biden stating that he would not pardon his son Hunter Biden:
June 2023: In an interview with ABC News, Biden said, “I abide by the jury decision. I will do that and I will not pardon him.” (Source: {‘title’: ‘Biden pardons his son Hunter on gun and tax charges despite previously saying he wouldn’t’, …}) June 2023: At a speaking event, Biden explicitly stated, “I will not pardon him.” (Source: {‘title’: ‘Biden Pardons His Son Hunter Despite Saying He Wouldn’t’, …}) November 8, 2024: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated the president’s stance, saying, “We’ve been asked that question multiple times. Our answer stands, which is no.” (Source: {‘title’: 'Biden pardons his son Hunter despite previously saying he wouldn’t’, …}) June 2023: In a statement, Biden said, “From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted. I will not pardon him.” (Source: {‘title’: ‘Statement from President Joe Biden’, …})
What does trolling mean to you?
Biden could literally dress up like Commando and slaughter the Supreme Court on live tv without “undermining the judicial process.” Can’t undermine something if it doesn’t exist.
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It’s just easier if he does it, since SCOTUS already said it was legal.
No need to pardon anybody if he just orders Seal Team 6 in there to do it. It’s an official act.
Just thinking about this
Here’s for wishing
Reading through these comments and seeing people excuse this because trump is worse validates the race-to-the-bottom strategy that republicans and democrats cooperate on. Republicans will keep lowering the bar while democrats will continue hovering slightly above that bar as their only differentiator and we’re all on the ride on the way down.
The gun crime is bullshit. That law isn’t enforced on anyone. It’s also probably unconstitutional if you follow the conservative understanding of that amendment (which is complete bullshit, but that’s beside the point).
Tax evasion, sure. That maybe shouldn’t be pardoned but also it’s only an issue because he’s the president’s son. I don’t dismiss this, but also I recognize that it’s mostly bullshit Republicans drummed up because they couldn’t get anything on Biden.
I will point out to every conservative who defends Trump who says anything about this though. Trump is literally a convicted felon, and multiple cases are being dismissed because he was elected. If they think Hunter shouldn’t get off free, then they better have some strong reasons Trump should.
This pardon also stops any investigation into the “10% for the big guy” email.
God’s getting a cut?
You do have to remember that most of us didn’t give a fuck about this supposed crime to begin with. I mean who Among Us hasn’t lied to the government about our drug history?
Also should mention that it’s clearly unconstitutional by the way.
who Among Us hasn’t lied to the government about our drug history?
Me. I’ve yet to be given the opportunity… but I’ll be happy to lie about if it comes up.
Go buy a firearm, while using legal cannabis products.
Boom! You’re now a felon!
Also should mention that it’s clearly unconstitutional by the way.
Then they should fight it legally and win. That would also set precedent for others who aren’t rich and powerful.
It would also be amusing to watch liberals making a 2A argument in court.
There is no winning in court, if you are an enemy of Trump.
No, its just being a realist. Trump owns the federal courts, since he can just appeal to his hand selected SCOTUS. Who have already ruled everything Trump does is legal.
The cover up is the crime. Why did the FBI spread false Russian Propaganda misinformation?
Gun charge “while using illegal drugs”.
Tax fraud.
c’mon now, fuck all that shit. 100% political, “witch hunt”, and all that. I would have thought less of Joe had he not done this.
I wish that my Dad loved me as much as Joe Biden loves his Sons.
Eric Trump, is that you?
I get it now, you simp for Biden because of your daddy issues.
Awwwww muffin…
Clearly your Dad didn’t love you either. (Hugs)
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“he only broke some minor laws”
I don’t feel like searching, but can you find such zealous prosecution for a nobody for these crimes?
Strong argument.
Man I thought blue MAGA was just a stupid meme but I guess it’s real. Fuck the Democratic Party, I’m out.
You can’t really think that anyone gives a shit about Hunter Biden and his schoolyard antics in a vacuum.
I care about the wealthy and powerful being above the law while working class people get the shaft. Democrats claimed to be concerned about this too. But I guess it was all partisan theatre.
But the only reason he was being prosecuted was because of his connection to Biden. An average working class person would never have been charged with this crime in the first place.
I care about the wealthy and powerful being above the law
This is the opposite of what happened. Hunter was only prosecuted because he was BELOW THE LAW. An ordinary person wouldn’t have been prosecuted for buying a gun.
Um no?
Don’t tell me if you knew the threat to democracy who had a personal vendetta against you and your child was following you in office and has threatened and made blind accusations multiple times that you would NOT pardon them. Biden did the right thing as a parent and a mildly objectionable thing on a moral standpoint politically which… just fuck off with that. I don’t wanna hear about morality from the party that constantly defends rapist and child abusers
I don’t want to hear about morality regarding biden and his full-throated support of genocide. He said he wouldn’t pardon his son and that he believed in the rule of law, but when it comes down to it, he goes ahead and pardons him because he ultimately knows the institutions he has fought so hard to defend are full of shit. Us peasants are still supposed to be held under the power of these institutions, though, and he has done nothing to change that. In fact, he’s played a big hand in making it as bad as it is now with his tough on crime stance.
Is not a race to bottom. It is just the most clear indication that the American system of governance has massive flaws and, as a set of institutions, the system has no way to protect itself from abuse.
I and almost certainly evey other non-psycho father would have done the same.
Reading through these comments and seeing people excuse this because trump is worse validates the race-to-the-bottom strategy that republicans and democrats cooperate on.
No, you don’t seem to understand. The race to the bottom strategy was a Republican thing. But now that we know that’s how you win in America, some of us are supporting that strategy for Democrats as well.
Gotta adapt to your environment to succeed.
I’m on board with that, but democrats refuse to take advantage of their power for our sake. He’s just doing this for his own sake. This selfishness is what allowed trump a second term, since democrats would’ve had a much better chance if biden stepped down earlier and allowed for a proper primary.
but democrats refuse to take advantage of their power for our sake.
I agree that they could do more. But I also acknowledge that they’ve done WAY more for us than the Republican party has. I don’t vote for perfect. I vote for better.
He’s just doing this for his own sake.
I’m ok with him pardoning his son. First of all, Trump threatened to go after his political opponents if he won. That’s a threat to Biden’s son. So Biden did something about it. Secondly, Biden was, by all metrics, a solid president. And Americans told him and his party to fuck off and re-hired a twice impeached convicted felon and rapist who incited an insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election. We treated Biden like shit. He doesn’t owe us anything additional. I think it’s fine to take this small victory to protect his son from unwarranted threats and then retire.
since democrats would’ve had a much better chance if biden stepped down earlier
I agree. But I also have a pretty low opinion of Americans, so I don’t know if it would have mattered in the end.
It is wild how they willing to defend their side no matter what. This is absolute abuse of power regardless of detail. Again, it is understandable and expected, but still abuse of power.
This is SUPREME CORRUPTION! What next? He’s going to Appointment Family Members to Government Positions? Allow the Highest Bidders to Buy OVERSIGHT Positions? SELL Pardons? DISGUSTING!
It’s not a great look…but let’s be frank. Biden was pushed out of a race he wanted, during a presidency that wasn’t all that bad considering what came before. The Dems that wanted him out are now all either infighting, or saying everything is fine and they’ll definitely win in four years. Biden’s in the last weeks of his job, and when he’s lost so much already he probably just wants to ensure his family are safe.
After decades of public service, and being committed to handing power over to someone that’s demonized what’s left of his family, I’m all for Biden using his last week or two to protect his family and enjoy retirement.
I’m not happy about this. Not one bit. Just like how I wouldn’t have been happy to hear about Trump pardoning one of his own kids for breaking the law. As a matter of fact, I’m furious reading some of the comments in this thread.
It shocks me to see people defending this. We fought against the Republicans to prevent misuse of executive powers exactly like this. How the fuck can you sit there and rationalize this while saying it’s wrong for Trump to pardon the Jan 6th insurrectionists? or himself for that matter?
This is a black stain on Biden’s presidential legacy. It’s shit like this that puts wind in the sails of all the crazy Republican conspiracy theorists out there. Now, every single motherfucker who ranted and raved about the “Biden Crime Family” since 2020 was just proven right, just like how all the people who said that Trump’s convictions were politically motivated were proven right when Jack Smith dropped the charges. It makes us look like fucking morons and hypocrites.
No, before anyone says it, it is not smart to stoop to their level when basically the only messaging we sent out during the entire 2024 campaign was that we were the morally superior choice. That someone who doesn’t respect the rule of law has no business being president. Now, we don’t even have that to lean on.
I am more shocked by people supporting Biden’s action than the action itself
It really shows how fucked up and desperate the American political discourse is at this point IMO. Before it was “see how much integrity Biden has for not even pardoning his own son”, now it’s turned into “Hunter was a political prisoner and victim of unjust persecution” in an instant. No one is willing to admit any faults because the other side gleefully profits from them. I can understand why people do it, but it’s a worrying indication for the state of politics in America.
To be fair, the biggest charge is the gun charge, and that’s from lying on the 4473.
Honestly, that question shouldn’t even be on the form, and I know loads of people who lie on that form, same question, all the time.
Weed is legal, but if you admit it, you can’t buy a firearm to defend yourself from fash.
But, you can be a drunk, mow down kids in your SUV, and that’s dandy.
Habitual Drunkard is also on that form as a disqualifier, so you would have to lie about that as well if you were a drunk.
No it isn’t. Look here:
Nowhere is “being a drunk” a DQ for owning a gun. Hell, being drunk, while buying the gun doesn’t preclude you.
Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.
I could read that to include being an alcoholic. But I can also read it as being addicted to caffeine.
Yes, alcohol is technically a depressant, but I guarantee that the majority of people who sign that form don’t know that.
It also says, “or any other controlled substance”, implying that the list is made up of controlled substances, which alcohol is not.
I think a good lawyer could argue that alcohol doesn’t count here, but no lawyer could ever argue that marijuana doesn’t count, as it is specifically listed.
Okay, calm down Utah. It’s a federal form.
It depends on if you assume controlled substance applied to every item on the list or if being addicted to any simulant would count. How I read it, if alcohol counts, so does caffeine.
That may all be perfectly true, but my point was more about how this case was treated by the democrats and their supporters. After the verdict, few people raised the points you just did. Instead, the narrative was all about how unlike republicans, democrats respected the law and would fully support the verdict. Biden himself even publicly ruled out a pardon.
Now that the pardon actually happened, that is all immediately forgotten. The narrative changed and democrats expect their supporters to get in line. Trumpists have been doing that kind of thing every other day, but the democrats are starting to do it as well. That’s what worries me.
It worries you?
This is the line that worries you?
Not the line drawn where the SCOTUS said the POTUS is above the law?
Not the line drawn where a literal card carrying neonazi was appointed to the cabinet?
Not the line drawn by Reich Wingers attempting a violent coup?
Not the line drawn by literal Nazis marching in the streets in the US just this year?
THIS is your moral line?
I can be worried about more than one thing at a time mate. And where did I ever say anything about a moral line? I obviously don’t approve of the fascist things the fascist party does and yes, they deeply worry me, despite not even living in the US. That doesn’t mean that the democrats are somehow absolved of all criticism and can’t do anything wrong.
So, overall, in the list of things that “worry you” this is so low, it barely registers, right?
Does Donald Trainwreck’s pardon of this corrupt Democratic governor worry you? Did it register at all with you? No? The fact that people didn’t care about this makes me yawn about anybody saying they care about Hunter Biden’s way less serious thing get a pardon.
Obviously the bigger immediate problems will be what Trump gets up to in the next few years. But if there’s supposed to be a way out of this mess at some point, I think it’s also important for the democrats to be a strong opposition. They should provide an antithesis to Trumpist politics by showing honesty, integrity and consistency. Their justification for doing things should never be “but Trump did way worse”. Saying one thing and doing another might work out perfectly for Trump, but that doesn’t mean it will for the democrats. That may be unfair, but it is how it is. So the real worry is that I don’t think acting this way will win them another election, should there even be one.
Outrage is what we should have all seen when Donald Trainwreck pardoned this corrupt Democratic governor for the sole reason of normalizing corruption. There is no Democrat who wanted him to do this.
Anybody who didn’t complain about that way more serious thing doesn’t have any reason to complain about this much less serious thing.
Starting? If there’s one thing people should learn from the 2024 election, it’s that Blue MAGA exists and they’re just as stupid and easily manipulated as the people on the right.
So how about Biden just fixes that form and claim that it shouldn’t have been illegal to do that to begin with?
He literally is saying it was BS and I’ll undo it for just my son, the rest of Americans in the same situation I don’t care about.
Because it literally requires congress to do it.
And the rest of Americans rarely get charged for it… Its only used as an “add on” when there’s other charges already.
Because Republicans have no appetite to change the form. They like it this way, most people who break the law will never be prosecuted, but when they want to prosecute someone it’s easy
I got attacked a lot for speaking of “blue MAGA”. But this is an aspect of it. The Republicans managed to push their fanatic cult of personality, rally around the leader, no mistakes are made, critics are opponents and need to be kicked out kind of political “culture” into parts of the Democratic base.
But this is a kind of “dont wrestle a pig in the mud” situation. By adopting the Republicans culture and way of thinking, it gives them further strength.
We need to accept that “they go low, we go high” isn’t working and pivot to “they go low, we step on them”.
We shouldn’t be abiding by the rules and precedent they willfully ignore. We too can play dirty.
But we’ve lost if the DNC ever succumbs to a strongman cult of personality like the Republicans did. Where if you don’t lick the boot you’re a Democrat in name only.
I never said Biden had integrity and I fully support this pardon because it was an absolute political witch hunt. Biden talked a big game but he continued the liberal tradition of giving money to large corporations and rich people instead of small businesses and the working class. Anyone that expected integrity wasn’t paying attention.
Absolutely. It’s turned into /r/TheJoe around here. Pretty disappointed in all those cheering on this shit just because it’s their team.
I’m very torn about it. I don’t think he would have done it if Kamala won. I can totally see Trump trying to get Hunter beheaded, so in that way I’m fine with what Biden did.
The same way Trump totally locked Hillary up after he won in 2016 right?
He had guardrails last time. I want to go to sleep come January 20th at this point and not wake up.
I support it. This as miscarriage as a miscarriage of justice gets. A politically motivated investigation turns unfiled taxes and a gun law that could imprison half the country (smoke a joint after going to a range and you’re guilty too) into a politically rejected plea deal and 25 years in prison?
That’s a fucking nightmare not justice. He should be on an IRS payment plan and monitoring for drugs. That’s the normal outcome.
I support it.
Americans explicitly voted for blatant corruption.
Now they’re going to get it.
We’re just getting what we voted for.
I am more shocked by people supporting Biden’s action than the action itself
I am more shocked by you not fully realizing a year ago that this was exactly what was going to happen than anything Biden did. Hunter Biden was prosecuted for something that likely nobody else would have been.
I honestly don’t give a flying fuck if he pardibs his son or not. It’s not like Trump was going to pardon him along with the J6 people.
Using Trump as a litmus test for good behavior proves you are a simple hypocrite.
I don’t love it, but I get it
I do love it. It’s about time a Democrat fucking did something without constant worry about what Fox News might say about it. You think we were going to win over these supposed “centrists” anyway?
He’s not appointing him to a cabinet position. He’s not making him the Ambassador to France. And the only reason he was having the entire book thrown at him for crimes he did, absolutely commit was, in fact, political.
Fuck former Senator Bob Menendez. That was real corruption. Fuck Blagojevich, he should rot in prison (except that Trump pardoned him). But Hunter’s crimes were pretty minor.
I’d prefer that he’d act in the interest of the American people overall in his cutting and running. The last month has had many examples of last minute “good luck with the fallout, Donny” moves, but this is exclusively self interest. I don’t love it, but I get it. Hope he enjoys whichever country he and his son will flee to as we mad max it