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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • My passwords are safe.

    No, they’re really not. No matter how good your password is, it can absolutely be compromised. If you use a password manager, just look at how often sites tell you that you “forgot” your password, despite knowing you haven’t.

    Use 2fa for things that are absolutely vital. Whether you use it for your Blizzard account or Steam account is less important. (Though I’m pretty sure Blizzard has leaked passwords at least once, many years ago.)

  • For clarity, say Kalkaline earns 100k a year. Ideally the billionaires would bring home exactly the same on their first 100k as Kalkaline does.

    Marginal tax rate means the higher tax brackets only tax you in the money made above a certain amount. And it’s the same for the next higher up tax bracket, which doesn’t apply to any lower money.

    If you’re not getting welfare, there is no “next tax bracket” that’s going to make you bring home less when earning more. That’s not a thing.

    If you get a bonus, that might be taxed withheld at 50% because payroll is too lazy to figure out your taxes. You get the remainder back when you file your taxes. (Note this may mean you owe $200 at the end of the year instead of owing $1000. That still counts as you “getting” $800.)

    We could put an 80% marginal tax rate on incomes above a billion dollars, and it wouldn’t really touch someone who was only bringing home 1,030 million dollars a year.