one time I laughed twice and my nuts fell right off
Probably right into your purse you fairy. Next you are going to tell me you like seeing your partner get off during sex… Damn libs taking away my toxic masculinity.
the circle is complete:
I’m reading an 1818 novel and it uses “gay” for happy and also the noun “gaiety” which I love and want to bring back
I just wish we could all be as gay as possible.
I do love the word gaiety. It just invokes such an enjoyable time, and honestly I don’t think it’ll be too misunderstood
I’m not using my one laugh on this!
First they said men should not be able to feel sadness or affection, now they are taking away Joy. Soon, men will only be able to feel blind, unspeakable rage.
Now you get it.
It baffles me how much humans want to control each other. Any three humans in a room and you’ve got four opinions on how everyone else should live.
I’m tired of this, can’t we just let people do as they please. I say we all just: Live. Laugh. Love.
You motherfucker…
I shall not take the bait.
I saw it too, I’m not sure op did
“He who farts the first cum” or whatever the saying is
Wait was I funny on accident
A grown man is allowed 1 laugh, 2 chuckles, or 4 sremoveds a day
Skilometers for the rest of the world.
“Any smile that lasts longer than a second and a half is a con man’s ruse."
—Captain Holt
men can’t have shit in Detroit
How many chuckles = one laugh?
3, just like teaspoons and tablespoons
I laughed on this… twice
I couldn’t have 1 laugh a day, imagine seeing someone go from 😆 to 😐 instantly and NOT laughing at it. I’m really bad at “try not to laugh” so this would be impossible
Laughing Man: “Hahahahahaha”
Elijah: “Uh… Could you spell that?”
Laughing Man: “Ha. Ho. He. He. Ha.”
Elijah: “Got it. Uh… Love you too…”
Proper stoic gentleman never laughs.
One laugh and maybe one or two sensible chuckles, then we’ve got shit to do.