Response to report.
Is this post painfully unfunny: Yes Should this post be removed: No.
It is a shitpost sub at the end of the day. Idk if this was meant as a shitpost but it works as one
A bunch of women stand there motionless, yet somehow a huge crowd of claps is heard.
Worse…a bunch of men standing there motionless, yet a huge crowd clapping roars the room …and some farts.
Sorry I had dairy
Why does the top right image look like something a cat might have coughed out?
My mind cannot comprehend whats going on in the top right image
I think it’s a steak taco? Why you’d want to stretch it out is beyond me.
It’s a birria taco but your point still stands.
Its a quesabirria and the point does not stand. It stretches whenever you bite.
They’re talking about pulling it open as in the pic, which makes it get cold, let’s all the goodness fall out and ruins the dippiness imo.
But you do you, I’m not your abuella.
It looks like a quesadilla and a Philly cheese steak had a baby. I’ll take two
There’s a place near me that makes “Crispy Phillies”, essentially a chimichanga made out of Philly stuff.
I limit myself to one a month, otherwise I would die from pure bliss (and heart failure)
Is the lower right as cheesy and greesy as the others?
Hope so
“Who stuck their dick in my food?!”
Sorry, my bad.
Sorry, my bad.
Username checks out
Hey, don’t knock it till you try it!
Instructions unclear, dick stuck in grilled cheese sandwich.
never ate an asian woman but I’ll take your word for it
You’re hungry again an hour
Memes that need to be gifs
I think that’s glue
It’s actually mucus.
Go back to Facebook.
If you pull that apart and it reminds you of grilled cheese you might want to reconsider your dining location
With the qr code its just a poorly disguised ad for feet pics
Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Guys get it the joke is PORN and SEX! Isn’t that funny?!
Very cheesy
Yeast posting