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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • No way. Clearly workers are just too lazy and unmotivated to show up to work.

    The subtext is a bit hostile. It immediately jumps to mentioning the cost to employers and economy (although par for the course for these things), and I’m not quite sure why they brought up quiet quitting. That’s completely unrelated unless if you’re spinning a specific story. I mean, what do you want? Do you want one unproductive employee to show up to work and make everyone else unproductive? Do you want to pretend viruses and pandemics don’t exist? Bizzare.

  • Thanks for compiling that detailed list. Don’t forget their thoughts on education - they seem to basically want to privatise public education and only make it “public” in the sense they give children a bit of money to pay for their own schooling. Naturally it doesn’t add up to what is already spent per child. If a child hasn’t lived in this country since they were two years old they’re even worse off, even if they are rightful citizens.

    They’re anti-student, too, wanting to remove caps on tertiary fees and gut fees free education. They want to defund Callaghan Innovation which provides internships for students. Those internships go a long way in helping people get jobs in the fields they studied in. Seymour is also anti interest free loans - they’re not campaigning to remove them this year, but it’s enough to put me on edge. This makes me believe they have no regard for the interests of young, skilled New Zealanders who are a flight ticket away from fucking off to Australia.

    The end goal of all their policies seems to be to emulate the joke that is the USA. I have issues with this specific policy of TPM but I wouldn’t touch ACT with a 10 foot pole if my life was on the line.