When beaverton became reality…
When beaverton became reality…
Some reddit-grade fuckery is going on here… 6 comments, but I see only one
End of what? We all will end up dead sooner or later
Why? To give it liberals wneh carney proceeds with “buyback”?
Get a drone instead and learn to operate it
So now Canada has 1000 lbs of WMD!
Plot twist: that was trump’s plan all along
Ditched TD and moved everything to ATB. Never looked back.
Because fuck eastern provinces relying on usa-refined gas made from Canadian oil, right?
Oh but Canadians are softies and won’t put up a fight! Ottawa in 3 days!
It calls us nasty because we fight back. And it’s going to be nastier, donnie.
Really looking forward to Kitten Space Agency though
That’s good, but maybe should come sooner. I suspect there will be more NSF charges with all that bs from south
So muricahns now trying to divide before conquer. Very clumsy.
Sadly there is no any other
So trump promotes Pierre in extremely subtle way
What did luntik told him at that meeting? Life threats or bribe I figure?
Is it sort of a meme?.. what’s incredible about JORN?
I’d prefer scenario with the gallows, feels more suitable