• Vlyn@lemmy.zip
    1 year ago

    I’m not sure how much is really genetics vs behavior/environment. I’m a night owl too, if I can on weekends I’m up till after midnight or into the early hours. But that’s because I’m playing games, sit in front of PC displays, look at my phone and so on (and still feel like shit the next day obviously, no matter how long I sleep).

    But if I force myself to go to bed early a few days in a row, which I’ve only done a few times so far, I suddenly wake up a minute before my alarm goes off, even early in the morning.

    So I’m not sure if there’s actually so many night owls around, or if this is just an issue of not moving enough and having artificial light sources all around you in the evening (with plenty of screen usage). To get up early in the morning you have to go into bed early, it doesn’t work otherwise. And to go to bed early you have to stick to a schedule, otherwise it’s like jet lag, if I go to bed every day after midnight then obviously I’ll have a difficult time falling asleep at 10 p.m. the one time I actually try to.