Oh fuck you got me
I’m also just here to admire the engineer who made the copy plural when multiple doors open. My fancy ass modern car doesn’t do it that.
Yeah, it took me a long time to get this, because I was too impressed by the design lol
Correct pluralization and it shows which door is open!
This is what happens when someone who really focuses on UX designs your interface. Little details that not everyone notices, but the few that do really appreciate it.
One of my biggest pet peeves. Anything that I write that outputs words is gonna have a little pluralization function.
first thing I noticed is that they bothered with the plural; it’s loss, but an absolute win too
Listen here you lil shit
aight this is officially the most far fetched loss meme I’ve ever seen
look again
Thanks, I wish you ill.
I’m angry and confused
ur whalecum <3
yes and I’m looking for a whale egg
Wait till you see the planet alignment in 2037.
ok remind me in 12 years
Given the age demographic on lemmy, there is a non-zero chance one of us will be in a shady acres nursing home with advanced dementia ranting about loss and scrawling strange symbols with mashed potatoes.
It’s not a jar it’s a door silly
That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. I love it. Thank you, and have an upvote.
No, it’s not a jar; it’s a door, open or closed.
It should just say ‘door(s) open’ since it could be slightly or completely open when the message is displayed and ajar only means slightly open.
If you don’t notice your door being completely open, you shouldn’t be driving. The door is going to be ajar.
a door is not a jar, kind sir!
Pick up the jar.
#I played that game as well.
Dad, is that you???
(No joke, my dad had a Chrysler New Yorker that would talk to him and he’d argue this same thing with it. He’d say something else like “Mason is a jar.” ).
I’ve been on the internet for awhile, I even remember the ctrlaltdelete comic coming out. I can honestly say I don’t ever remember seeing this meme before, or even the blowback from the comic itself. Weird how I can be on the net almost daily for years and still see new (old?) memes.
In that case, the real question is: do you remember XKCD 1053?
I used to read Ctrl Alt delete and penny arcade all the time. Just stopped reading web comics at some point. Completely missed this meme for a decade on the Internet as well. Was very confused first time I came across it a few years ago.
This one took me a while to figure out… Embarrassing…
I think I was stunned by a car company that would bother to conditionally pluralize doors on a dot matrix LCD screen. I’m so used to the companies now, cutting every corner no matter how many times they’ve been cut before.
Figure out what?
It’s loss. The loss meme?
| ||
|| |_Hence the post title… “I am at a loss of words”
Tbf it was lost on me, too. Love the design & thoughtfulness.
Doors Akimbo
When is a door not a door?
When it’s a loss
Thanks, I hate it.
Door’s Agar.