Those I do know about I heard about through the grapevine or stumbled onto their Facebook profile.
One is a single mother still dressing like a bar star circa 2006 and has kids from like three different dudes. I hope she dies miserable and alone.
Another one joined the military after high school and came out as gay after she left boot. I ran into her once after and she seemed happier. I never took her bullying as seriously as I did the others because it was obvious to me even then that she was dealing with some identity shit. The late 90s wasn’t exactly a friendly time for queer folk and her friends were the small-minded dipshits whose every other word was the F slur or calling something or someone gay in a pejorative sense.
Everyone else ended up dead, a junkie or methhead, or leading lives of mediocrity after peaking in high school. I had one guy try to bully me again at a bar when we were in our 30s. I laughed in his face and told him I wasn’t a timid 14 year old anymore and that I’d happily beat the fuck out of him if he wants to step outside. Dude got real quiet before mumbling about having to work in the morning and left. Bullies will always be cowards at heart.
No idea, I am not concerned with their lives.
Same here. I left my small town at 18 for the next town over, a few years later moved across the country. I have no idea what’s happened with anyone in my class since we left high school.
Same. I might be able to pick a few of mine out of the yearbook if I had to find their names somehow, but I wouldn’t know them if I saw them now.
I bullied myself mostly. I’m doing fine, besides all the anxiety and self loathing
He died of cancer before he turned 30.
Good riddance. He forced a dried raccoon dick into my mouth in the school library. Then called me “coon” for years.
Yeah. Rural Indiana. About 1985.
I didn’t really have a high school bully, but I did have an elementary school bully. I knew he would end up in prison when we were both five years old.
He did, for manslaughter, at 19.
They became a cop
How the hell am I supposed to know?
You mean you don’t cyberstalk your old bully so you can finally feel like you won?
He got brain cancer and died.
My mom was horrified when I was happy about it. I told her the person I was before him would not have been happy, but he destroyed that person.
If I weren’t agnostic, I’d say I hope he rots in hell. As it is, I’m just glad the world has lost another piece of shit.
high five 🤚
Don’t know, don’t care.
I haven’t talked to anyone from my school days since the second I got out so 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ
died under mysterious circumstances… also i killed him
I didn’t have a bully in high school, but my middle school bully is serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole - he broke into an old woman’s house, raped her, murdered her, robbed her house, and got caught because he used her credit cards at the mall.
got caught because he used her credit cards at the mall.
what a dumbass
You are 100% correct
He’s still my father …
He did some time in prison, then got out and apparently became a better person.
I imagine what happened to them is the same as most regular people. Some of them found a career they may or may not enjoy, got married to someone out of love or fear of being alone, popped a couple kids, and are now relaxing while watching a sports game on the TV.
School was over a decade ago, kids are shitheads with raging hormones flowing through their underdeveloped brains and usually a good heaping of unresolved neglect/abuse causing further emotional issues. Point is, I don’t care to hold hate in my heart for people who dont even exist anymore as they once were and ive moved on. I hope they found what they want out of life.