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Florida State Senator Ileana Garcia has introduced legislation to prohibit “weather modification” activities in the state.
So no more releasing CO2 or CH4 (chemicals) into the atmosphere then?
I wish! They worded it such that the burning of fossil fuels and other things leading to the eradication of humanity through climate change are exempt 😮💨
But we know for sure that these chemicals are modifying the weather!
I guess, crazy people just need to shout at clouds sometimes.
Everyone knows it only counts if it takes 2 hours to modify the weather. Anything over that is simply God’s will
I feel SO sorry for the few sane rational people in Florida some times.
Both of them?
No, fuck Dave
Is there enough time‽
There’s always time to fuck Dave.
Dave Barry? But he’s hilarious!
Come on now… there are tens of them.
The same people who think humans can’t alter the climate also claim that the government is controlling the weather.
The airlines should immediately halt service to the entire state if this goes in to effect. Why waste the time and money defending yourself against these conspiracies.
the injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of a chemical, a chemical compound, a substance, or an apparatus into the atmosphere within the borders of this state for the express purpose of affecting the temperature, the weather, or the intensity of sunlight is prohibited.
it doesn’t affect them.
It’s stupid as fuck but is slightly saved by being worded as to be utterly and completely toothless.
Prohibit “weather modification”.
So are they banning Sharpies?
Worse: Weather modification, though possible, just doesn’t really work. People gave up on that back in the day.
Cloud seeding certainly does work and is used in many places to promote rainfall or redirect hail or rainfall to protect crops.
It certainly does work, until you look at numbers and they are either negligible, or great until they stop being great quickly.
I would not call that a consensus on “it does work”.
Cloud seeding certainly does work
Does it?
Last I heard, the effectiveness is rather disputed.
And again I’m grateful that I’m not from the US. I know dumb people are everywhere but you clearly have loudest.
So, a plane that dumps water onto a fire is dispersing a chemical (water) with the express purpose of controlling the temperature. So firefighting planes would be illegal under this bill.
Sure is a good thing that florida doesn’t have forest fires… RIGHT?
Well yeah, they rake their forests
“Fun” fact, “chemtrails” were used in the Soviet Union in 86’ right after the Chernobyl disaster to stop a radioactive cloud going to Moscow. They dumped a shitload of dry ice to make it rain. It rained over small villages which caused people there to get radiation sickness.
Fun “fact,” this was the inspiration for Prince’s Purple Rain.
That’s the most “fun” fact I heard in a long time
I feel sorry for all the entrepreneurs and employees in the chemtrail industry.
Imagine that you’re flying a chemtrailer and then a wild $10000 fee appears out of nowhere, and there’s a shark. Are you going to choose the shark? Nobody would. I guess a fine of $1000 is just the cost of doing chemtrail business now.
“I’m trying to make gay frogs.”
It worked!
I don’t know what chems you’ve been huffing, but they seem fun, so please share some 😄
Puff Puff Pass!
I’m after you
“Pass the dutchie on the left hand side” isn’t just a Tim Hortons slogan
deleted by creator
Imagine every commercial jet that leaves a contrail now having to go to court.
“911, what is your emergency?”
Dispatcher: “Emergency crew, please treat this as urgent, and bring haldol.”
Does this affect Jewish space lasers at all? Asking for a friend
Yes, but not other faiths’ space lasers, I heard the rastafarian space laser is totally dope
And here am I remebering the last hurricane devastating Florida, thinking: “You probably need some weather manipulation more then others…”
Then is not than
Neither is it thin.
The bill was filed on November 20 by Garcia, a Republican
Was anyone really unsure of her party affiliation by this point in the article?
So shut down all coal and gas power plants.
wow I didn’t expect this to pass before the anti-Sasquatch legislation did but here we are