Poor one out for all your LGBTQ+ homies in America, they’re about to be hunted for sport.

  • Maggoty@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    There’s 13 million votes missing and you don’t think there’s any chance of a significant group of Gen Z men being in that group? Gen Z men went for Trump by 2 percentage points. You don’t think there’s 2 percentage points of Gen Z men who decided not to vote because of the biggest issue polled among gen Z men?

    And if Gaza and Michigan wasn’t a big deal then why are you even here? The entire discussion in this thread is about Gaza posters. Michigan going red is a pretty big fucking deal. It’s what pushes this from a tip over to a solid win for Trump. Even if Harris got PA, she wouldn’t have won and what percentage of Democrats stayed home in PA because she ran a neoliberal campaign?

    • GiveMemes@jlai.lu
      4 months ago

      Yes, that’s what I’m saying. Gaza was not the biggest issue among gen z voters and while there is a chance that young men didn’t vote for Kamala because of that, it’s much more likely it was general disdain for the democratic candidate. 14 million voters can’t be explained by gen z in any way shape or form anyway, considering the number of gen z voters that did show up. Why am I here? Because it’s fun to use lemmy and have discussions about politics.

      Michigan going red is not a big deal. This is an almost exact repeat of trumps 2016 electoral victory yet you’re acting like he’s treading new ground entirely lmfao. Yes, even if Harris got PA she wouldn’t have won, but after PA was lost, literally nothing else mattered. There was exactly zero chance she won without PA whereas she actually had a path to victory without Michigan. I personally live in PA and I can tell you that I know exactly zero democrats that didn’t vote because of Gaza. Fun fact about that too: I was literally going door to door doing political canvassing, and what I can tell you, overwhelmingly, is that anybody whose top issue was Gaza was easily convinced that Harris is the better choice, whereas tons of men my age (older gen z) were intending to vote Trump because of the economy and inflation, and though he is completely indefensible economically, these were the significantly harder group to convince. If you want to go bring me some numbers as to why you’re right feel free, but so far ALL anecdotal and empirical evidence that I’ve seen shows Gaza not to have been a big issue this election.

      • Maggoty@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I didn’t say they were the entire gap. I said I’m pretty sure you can find 2 more percentage points of Gen Z men in that 13 million. And it’s obviously the biggest issue. We were bombarded with polls showing it was a big issue. It’s the only issue on which they had protest camps setup and barricaded their schools. Saying they had the same concerns as Millennials and Gen X is just ridiculous.

        Your anecdotal evidence is not empirical.