Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe, a conservative firebrand known for his strong support of defense spending and his denial that human activity is responsible for the bulk of climate change, has died. He was 89.
Inhofe, a powerful fixture in Oklahoma politics for over six decades, died Tuesday morning after he had a stroke over the July Fourth holiday, his family said in a statement.
Inhofe, who was elected to a fifth Senate term in 2020, stepped down in early 2023.
His denial of climate change evidenced by his holding of a snowball on the congressional floor in winter was the moment I realized that memes are now more important than facts.
That was him? Rest in piss
Suprisingly he was the only Republican to take long covid seriously. Because he got it.
“It only matters when it affects me” is the republican mantra I guess.
Always has been.
Time to go throw a snowball on his grave and laugh
I think some Weekend at Bernies style shenanigans are definitely called for
Fuck this guy. Left the world worst before dying.
That snowball you brought to the Senate floor won’t help you now that you’re in hell Jim.
I expected a snowball joke,but you nailed it. Bravo.
Ah Senator Snowball dies on the hottest July 4th weekend ever. Coincidence?
Hottest so far.
Good riddance
Step 1: vote against COVID vaccine distribution funding
Step 2: get COVID
Step 3: retire due to long COVID
Step 4: die from long COVID
Aww, he should’ve live longer and suffer the consequences of his climate denial with us :(
RIP bozo
And by that I mean rest in piss
He lived a long and happy life selling our country to giant corporations.
He actively made the world worse.
A dead republican is very rarely bad news.
Only when someone worse takes their place.
Considering that he stepped down in 2023, they’ve already replaced him.
Oh, then this is good news.
Oklahoma man honored to finally be metabolized into various greenhouse gases
Good, fuck off
deleted by creator
Good riddance.