I regret buying a guitar, I can’t even do the simplest shit on it according to YouTube… I dunno if it’s laziness or just being tired of sucking so much and not being able to play the music that I like… Maybe a mix of both?

  • Zombiepirate@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    The most important part about learning a musical instrument is consistent practice.

    1 hour twice per week is not as good as 20 minutes every single day. And you do have to play every day if you want to improve. Work on one thing at a time and most importantly: use a metronome.

    Guitar is a meditation exercise: you have to learn to love the process. If you aren’t having fun, maybe it just isn’t for you.

  • Vanth@reddthat.com
    9 months ago

    I pick up and discard hobbies frequently. I do hobbies for entertainment; once it’s no longer enjoyable, I move on. Some hobbies I find I don’t really like, some I get tired of when I hit some level of mastery, very few last me for year over year. I basically treat trying new hobbies as a hobby.

    If guitar isn’t fun for you, move on. Definitely don’t let feelings of guilt and laziness in, that’s not the point of a hobby.

    • Oka@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      I’m exactly the same. Hobbies just don’t stick, and I can’t commit to the grind of getting better at them.

      Have you been diagnosed with adhd by chance? I haven’t, but I suspect it’s one symptom.

      • Vanth@reddthat.com
        9 months ago

        Nope, no diagnosis and I don’t think I am ADHD. I’m a middle-aged woman though so my historic understanding of ADHD pretty much excludes women by default.

        Where I come down on is I don’t think I care if my hobby hopping is a symptom of ADHD. I enjoy the variety, it gives me the entertainment or sense of accomplishment that I seek from hobbies. Same with work and other spheres of life, I don’t feel a negative impact so am not motivated to look into a formal ADHD diagnosis. My take on my personal situation, obvs, and not meant as a blanket statement about ADHD or other neurodivergent people. Maybe there’s a little lack of acceptance on my part that I might be ADHD, but that hasn’t risen to top of priority list with my therapist yet 😛

        I also like that I know a little bit about a ton of hobbies so when I meet new people I have a wealth of conversation topics that are deeper than weather or work.

  • BertramDitore@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I believe there are 3 kinds of musicians. Keep in mind I have no evidence for this, it’s just what I’ve experienced through a life of playing music and being around lots of musicians.

    #1 is someone with natural ability, these are the people who seem to be able to pick up any instrument and intuitively understand how to make it sound like music. This is the rarest kind of musician.

    #2 is someone with a little bit of #1’s natural ability, but like 70% of their skill comes from honing it through sustained, long-term practice. It’s hard, and can be incredibly frustrating, but also very rewarding. I’d say many if not most successful musicians fall into this category.

    #3 is someone with none of #1’s natural ability, but a passionate desire to learn. With grueling long hours of practicing the basics, studying some theory, and intentional instruction, #3 is perfectly capable of playing an instrument beautifully, but it will be a lot more work for them than it would be for #’s 1 and 2.

    It’s probably pretty similar to sports. Some people are naturals, but almost anyone can learn to be really good at them, it just takes a shitload of work.

    • bstix@feddit.dk
      9 months ago

      I’m a #4 then. The one who knows all the theory but don’t care about practicing. I can play a lot of different instruments badly.

      Now this is not necessarily a bad role, because if you want to perform live it’s absolutely necessary to simplify things in order to ensure that you can actually deliver something and not get thrown off by imperfections or getting bored with certain parts.

    • constantokra@lemmy.one
      9 months ago

      There are people who have natural ability at every instrument, but it’s much more common for it to be with one or two types of instruments. Them a little (enjoyable) practice will get them to whatever level of mastery they’re happy with. They can be totally hopeless at other instruments, and average at others. The ones that will blow your mind are those who are total naturals at one, but choose to pursue an instrument they have no natural ability at.

    • snooggums@midwest.social
      9 months ago

      It’s probably pretty similar to sports. Some people are naturals, but almost anyone can learn to be really good at them, it just takes a shitload of work.

      Being a natural at something is being good at pattern recognition, whether it is music, sports, cooking, writing, or pretty much anything prople can be good at. While the vast majority of people can get good at things through practice, there are people on the opposite end from the people where it comes naturally that won’t be able to do better than a beginnger even with a lot of practice.

      There are the equivalents of being tone deaf for pretty much everything humans do.

  • Evotech@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I think name people have a thought similar to “it would be cool to know a instrument” but they just don’t actually enjoy it when they sit down with it.

  • BlackRing@midwest.social
    9 months ago

    Guitar is the only hobby I acquired that never took. I wanted it to take, but did not have the funds to pursue lessons.

    I could not get over the beginner hurdles of how to strum, how to really hold the pick, and so forth. If I could have taken lessons or gotten past that I might have learned and still be playing today instead of seeing the case just sitting there collecting dust.

    • CYB3R@lemm.eeOP
      9 months ago

      The strumming is a nightmare I agree, but even the simplest songs that only require 2 strings without wide strumming are impossible, accidentally muting the strings, not pressing enough, moving the fingers fast, using your pinky… Is such an impossible instrument

      • teamevil@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Dude it’s just practice… Id suggest spending 50 bux on a classical guitar, the nylon strings and far enough apart and gentle on your hands. You’ll be amazed.

            • CYB3R@lemm.eeOP
              9 months ago

              Months. Not years, I would NEVER try anything that take that long, not even videogames

              • zelifcam@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                You must think people pick up guitar and are touring with their bands in “months”? Sir, that’s not how it works. That’s not now ANYTHING in life works. The fact you brought up video games for some odd reason makes me think you must be a kid. Practice and hard work is what’s going to make up your whole life. Guitar may not be for you but many things in life are going to challenge you.

                Best of luck.

                • CYB3R@lemm.eeOP
                  9 months ago

                  The typical “hur dur videogames are for childs” in what decade are you living, the 80s?

                  Sucking for months isn’t fun, that’s it. Also bands are literally doing THEIR JOB. Of course they can’t be doing and practicing that for just months.

  • zcd@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    The distance from picking up the guitar to being able to play music is so far that most people give up before making it through. Building muscle memory and being able to finger those chords without fat fingering the other strings takes longer than you expect. You’re talking about trying to play a song when really you probably need a month on the open chords.

    If you are over it then no shame in moving on. If you want to take one more crack at it you’ll have to slow down and just hyper focus on the basics. Or try ukulele! Ukulele is awesome because the cords are a lot easier and you’ll become a strumming master since you won’t be concentrating so hard on the chords. And then later down the line it would give you a good foundation if you take a crack at guitar again

    In my opinion there is no such thing as natural talent. There is only practice and muscle memory. Once you’re up and running with robotic hands (Being able to play the chords without thinking about them, being able to strum a few patterns without thinking about them) It opens up the whole world of music and songs

    • morgan423@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Or try ukulele! Ukulele is awesome because the cords are a lot easier and you’ll become a strumming master since you won’t be concentrating so hard on the chords. And then later down the line it would give you a good foundation if you take a crack at guitar again

      You are not kidding. IMO, everyone should start out with a four stringed instrument, they are fantastic. Move on to greater complexity later if you want to.

      I failed out on my first attempt at guitar, it was just to much… then I lucked into a tenor guitar, and entered the four-string world of tons of one and two finger chords. Suddenly I could focus on rhythm and musicality, rather than making sure my fingers were doing half a bajillion gymnastic tricks per minute.

      Four stringers are so much fun, doesn’t matter if it’s a ukulele, a cigar box guitar, a tenor guitar, whatever. Go get one and start having fun!

      • zcd@lemmy.ca
        9 months ago

        Yeah you explained it much better, They are so much fun! The five string banjo is also 4 strings when it comes to chords, a huge percentage of the skills you learn with these instruments translates to guitar

    • CYB3R@lemm.eeOP
      9 months ago

      Already bought 2 cheap Amazon guitars ACOUSTIC and electric plus another amp plus a pedal that I used twice. I’m not going to buy anything else

  • Apytele@sh.itjust.works
    9 months ago

    My middle school music teacher was mean so I didn’t take her class again. There were a lot of authority figures who felt I needed to toughen up in one way or another and I gave up on a lot of things because of that mindset.

  • For me, the practice wasn’t enjoyable. I’m the type of person that cannot stick to things for their rewards if it’s not enjoyable. That’s not to say I can’t stick to things, it’s just the doing itself has to be enjoyable. I’ve been doing a martial art for over twenty years now but I just kept showing up because I enjoyed it.

  • makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    I’ve been learning traditional art for nearly 2 years now. I suck constantly.

    Then very rarely I paint something I like.

    I find I paint things I like more often now than previously.

    This stuff takes time. Stick with it.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
    9 months ago

    For me, it was an inability to only finger strings properly, even after about six months of practice. My hands, even back in my teens, were huge. That includes big fingers (size 14 ring at the time)

    Since I didn’t have the freedom to try other instruments in a useful way, I just decided I had better things to do with my time than fuck around making dissonant sounds on a guitar.

    But, before you give up entirely, maybe try learning a simple song all the way. That was what actually made my decision. I knew what it was supposed to sound like, knew where my fingers were vs how the strings were supposed to be used, and knew I’d never make the music that drove me to want to try in the first place.

    If you can manage to learn one song and play it to the point you can tell what you’re playing, I say keep going. From that point, it’s a matter of practice and figuring out what lessons work for you.

    But it is a learning curve that kills a lot of potential players of any instruments. I hang with an old high school friend that fronts a band. I’ve had this conversation with him (and he reached the same conclusion I did after teaching me a little on both tenor and bass guitar, that I might so something, but it wouldn’t be what I wanted) about getting past that wall.

    He said that in person lessons are the best way to get past the initial “what the fuck is going on” stage where nothing seems to work. A lot of people pick up a book, or watch videos and try to get going. But those methods don’t work for everyone. So you kinda need someone that can give active feedback on all the little things that go into learning your first song.

    And that’s what he says the goal should be; you pick a simple song, learn it, and then improve on it. Takes a few weeks for a lot of people to get something like amazing grace or Mary had a little lamb down to the point that it sounds right. But you have to start simple because you’ve got to get your hands used to the job. It can take a thousand plus repetitions of a given action to commit it to memory in a way it becomes fluid and natural (which is a thing in martial arts, btw, you have drill the hell out of a technique before you can spar with it).

    But it’s also okay to give up. It’s your time, your energy. If you’ve discovered that the return on that isn’t fast enough to give you what you want/need, why waste part of your life banging against the wall? Sometimes a learning curve isn’t worth climbing.

  • Nefara@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    That’s ok. I like to play music but guitar just isn’t that fun for me either. I have trouble remembering fingering and chords and it’s hard on my squishy delicate nerd fingers. The musical instruments I’ve been able to keep with and practice I did so because I just liked messing with them and making nice sounds. Did you make this post hoping people would encourage you to keep at it? You don’t have to keep at it if it’s not fun, you can sell the guitars to some local aspiring musician. What I would recommend is trying out some other instruments, maybe at a music store. Something drove you to try out guitar, maybe that creative spark just needs a piano, or a glockenspiel, or a zither or something else instead. Just… try before you buy next time.

  • WhiteOakBayou@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I’ve played and given up the mandolin several times over tge past several years. Longest continuous before now was maybe three months. What I’ve learned through my own learning process is:

    1. Practice in time. Even if it’s slow.
    2. Playing with backing tracks helps a ton
    3. Posture is key. On my current streak of playing I was able to go from playing the melody of kids songs to the rhythm of some grateful dead songs (at 80 bpm instead of 140 bpm) after spending time watching videos of how to hold and sit. I then had to relearn all my fingerings but it didn’t take nearly as long this time.
    4. Sucking is just part of learning anything new. I guess one either enjoys the act of improving independent of the current result or one doesn’t.

    Post script: The reason I quit when I do is because I become frustrated with plateaus. I now believe a lot of these plateaus came from bad mechanics. My pinky could not reach the 7th fret no matter how much I practiced. I could not switch chords without destroying my rhythm or muting extra strings etc.