I’m currently looking to develop an open source app that can help somebody. I’m currently out of ideas, so I’d like to heard if from you guys.
Sorry if it seems to lazy to ask for ideas like that, I just thought that I could do it since the result will be a free app.
A really good launcher!
Also, weather app!
I do find Breezy Weather quite nice ;)
I’ve been on Breezy for years now. No regrets.
Thanks for the tip, I’ll have to check that out!
KISS launcher on minimal mode with nice icons and a geometric weather widget for me. Been rocking it for years and its amazing
Every time I pivot away from Trebuchet, I always pivot back. It does what I want; app folders, hidden apps, multiple screens, widgets.
All the alternatives sacrifice something
Kvaesitso has won me over as a nice looking and very customizable open source launcher
Interesting, thanks!
Mlauncher is stellar, and its open source.
I’ll have to check that out, thank you!
Searching around online, I found NeoLauncher looks pretty good: https://github.com/NeoApplications/Neo-Launcher
I haven’t tried it though.
It’s a bit unorthodox but I use Pie Launcher from F-Droid.
As for weather, I use RadarWeather (also from f-droid)
I think Lawnchair is currently the best FOSS launcher. For weather, check out Breezy Weather