• 7 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • I’ve heard a theory that it makes people feel better about their own helplessness.

    That certainly sounds like an accurate theory, and I have been known to be cynical about stuff every so often, and am still trying to remove that from my personality. It may have been a defense mechanism developed to block all the helplessness, as that theory describes, but that does not justify my demeanor in those instances.

    Like you, I believe having an optimistic stand in front of all the adversity, if nothing else, makes things a bit more manageable. And I agree that if more people dropped cynicism, the world would be all the better for it. Having said that, once that’s embedded in a person’s character, removing it is an entire re-learning process which requires one to forcibly unlearn it, because it does turn into a subconscious reaction.

  • True, but that doesn’t make him wrong. While generalizing is inherently wrong, the chances of ANY corporation giving a fuck about their image for destroying something that could spell them not earning a couple of bucks is low to null.

    Look around. The amount of complains about privacy breaches from all the tech giants, and some midgets, is at its highest ever, and do you see any of them pedaling back?

    I am part of an executive suite myself, and while I’m trying to make a difference, you should see the ridiculous amount of pushback I get on ANYTHING that could spell improving user and staff experience, sometimes even when it has absolutely no negative financial impact. It’s like they’re programmed to destroy.

    You will find a few good men and women in the Corp world, but this few can’t do much against the majority, which happens to be full of bloodsucking pricks.

  • I agree that everyone using any Linux distro should be acquainted with terminal commands, I would never say they shouldn’t. However, most of the DEs do allow to use the computer over GUI exclusively. Things have improved dramatically for Linux, to the point that using anything else is more a PITA than any Linux distro.

    As for being dependent on users that do know how to “CLI”, most of us started right there. Additionally, most users that migrate will eventually start trying the terminal, and we all know where that leads.

  • Most Windows and Mac users have no idea what a script is,nor do they care. That doesn’t mean they can’t benefit from moving over to a Linux distro, and never having to touch a terminal is entirely doable for common users in most distros.

    Why are we trying to alienate people looking to drop proprietary BS by fearmongering?

    If you’re on GNOME, KDE or any of the other DEs for that matter, and you’re not a geek, yes you can live on GUI alone these days.

  • At the end of the day, it’ll be a matter of taste and how much anyone’s willing to “play around”. For example, my 9 years old son started with Zorin when he was 6, and has never looked back,whereas my 11 years old daughter started with Zorin at 8, saw me on PopOS and a couple of months later moved to that. Then we gave her an old HP X360 for school when she needs a laptop, and she went with Nobara, and my wife finally dropped Windows about a month or 2 ago, and chose Fedora because that’s what I use and she figures I can resolve anything quickly for her since that’s also what I use.

    Yes, My house is now spyware free on all PCs and Laptops 🥰