Lettuce eat lettuce

Always eat your greens!

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • First few months in IT? Welcome to hell…

    I’m kidding (mostly), I’m in IT also and if you’re in for even a few years, you’ll start to build a collection of horror stories like this one. We’ve all seen things you wouldn’t believe.

    So you need to have full buy-in from the owners. If you’re able to talk directly to them, then it sounds like this isn’t a huge company. If you clearly explain in a professional way to the owners the situation with documentation and they don’t fully support you, leave the company asap.

    As somebody who has been involved in multiple ransomware recoveries, trust me…you don’t ever want to deal with a rogue unsecured machine on the network. And owners that don’t care or take that risk seriously are absolute fools and this will only be the tip of the iceberg of stupidity.

    That computer is a ticking time bomb. Please for the love of God tell me that your boss doesn’t have local admin rights on his system.

    If the only thing your boss uses that system for is to connect to a web app to manage inventory, why is he mad about switching from windows 7? Does he just like how windows 7 looks visually?

    I guess it doesn’t really matter. Also, windows 10 isn’t a long term solution because it also goes EoL next year in October, so you’ll be in this same position in less than 2 years.

    You can either go to Windows 11, or if you wanna be a little wild, install a Linux distro like Mint on there and theme it like Windows 7. You solve the security problem and he gets to pretend he’s still in the early 2010’s.

    Honestly though, start looking for another job if the owners don’t support you 100%. IT is already a stressful and intense enough job, you don’t need stubborn idiots like your boss to add flavor.

  • And to add to this, if you want another overlay network solution like Tailscale that is fully Open source, Netbird is something to check out.

    Lawrence Systems has some vids on their product, fully self-hostable 1st party control plane and Foss clients. Newer, smaller, not as well supported as Tailscale, but solid enough for homelabs and small biz solutions from what I’ve seen/read.

    I’ve messed with both and each has their own strengths. Both solutions are really awesome though. Unless you need really high network performance, I feel like overlay networks are the way to go. Soooo much easier to setup and maintain than traditional ipsec tunnels or even OpenVPN firewall configs and manual routes.

  • That only works if you have managers that give a rip about helping you grow and compensating you well for that growth, which sadly, most people don’t have.

    In my experience, staying at the same place and taking on more “growth opportunities” was just an excuse for management to throw more on my plate without compensation increases. Sure I would get a little raise sometimes, but it was always pissy amounts of money, even when I asked for more.

    I started jumping jobs aggressively and magically my pay exploded upwards. I now have basically zero loyalty to the companies I work for, just like they have for me. Contract work is even better for this, but the downside is usually you have bad or zero benefits.

  • It’s over if you decide it’s over. I’ve known people in their late 20’s who have given up on all that already. And I’ve known folks well into their 70’s who are happily married/dating, traveling, doing hobbies, healthy, etc.

    If you give up on life, then of course you won’t get anything out of it. I hate how people act like getting older just means you become boring, weak, ugly, broken down, slow, etc.

    If your life is over when you turn 50, it’s because you chose to let it be over.

  • The difference is that supercomputers by and large actually help humanity. They do things like help predict severe weather, help us understand mathematical problems, understand physics, develop new drug treatments, etc.

    They are also primarily owned and funded by universities, scientific institutions, and public funding.

    The modern push for ubiquitous corpo cloud platforms, SaaS, and AI training has resulted in massive pollution and environmental damage. For what? Mostly to generate massive profits for a small number of mega-corps, high level shareholders and ultra wealthy individuals, devalue and layoff workers, collect insane amounts of data to aid in mass surveillance and targeted advertising, and enshitify as much of the modern web as possible.

    All AI research should be open source, federated, and accountable to the public. It should also be handled mostly by educational institutions, not for-profit companies. There should be no part of it that is allowed to be closed source or proprietary. No government should honor any copyright claims or cyber law protecting companies’ rights to not have their software hacked, decompiled, and code spread across the web for all to see and use as they see fit.

  • Yeah, at least with something like the fake moon landing conspiracy, there is a clear motive for it. Like the USA and USSR both had very strong propaganda machines and really strong incentives for hitting the next space race milestone.

    The tech was barely advanced enough to perform the functions necessary to complete the mission, everything was pushed to its absolute limits to successfully perform.

    But the flat earth thing has none of that. The tech necessary to demonstrate the curvature of the earth existed thousands of years ago and in fact was believed pretty widely by even ancient peoples.

    There exists no motive, no incentives, and requires believing that basically all of known physics is completely wrong despite thousands of obvious counter-examples.

    Just stupid.