Sometimes I like to

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • What do we do about moderators being spammers? I’m sure this comment will just get deleted, but like, some of the moderators are just blasting out spam across the communities and its obnoxious as fuck. Blocking moderators isn’t my favorite thing to do, even though I currently have. What if they make a community announcement I need to see, in order to maintain a proper understanding of the rules, for instance? Just so there’s no questions, I am very specifically talking about We’ve already lost one community member due to how they treated her, and how her comments about his improprieties were handled, can we talk about corrective actions? Or is this just a good ol’ boys club?

    Feels sus that this comes pretty directly after they were called out in comments with downvotes on their bullshit, now mod deleted, reply . And who cares this much about fake points anyway? just tell the people who are complaining about the “excessive downvotes” to turn off vote counts in their user settings. why should a few complainers ruin the way the entire instance is operated? absolutely ridiculous.

    I already had to limit my experience to SUBSCRIBED only so that I didn’t have to see said moderators awful bullshit spam taking my actual entire main new page up all the time, before i had them blocked (guess i can go back but its probably just him with another username doing the same now)… dont make this our problem on top, its already barren around here, we need all the forms of interaction available to us to be cohesive. And it’s a core aspect of the fediverse.

    Your ridiculous example of a post getting more downvotes than suscribers, as an admin level moderator, is stunning. Let me explain how this happens since you dont get Lemmy??

    1. User posts {example bad post} to [communityX]
    2. that post gets shown in a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLES NEW PAGE, even people not subscribed, and even places outside of LemmyNSFW, believe it or not.
    3. Users outside of the subscription list downvote the shit post because they dont like it and its out of place or whatever the reason
    4. User complains? to you? ((alternative step: tell user to turn off votes))
    5. You turn off downvoting for us, which may have zero effect on the users downvoting the content in the first place, in the rest of the federation?
    6. We try our hardest not to go to (etc) and downvote this post anyway.

    What am I missing? Why are you using subscriber count as an arbitrary ceiling? Even if the downvotes are “in-house” its happening on the new page, not people brigading communities or whatever the fuck nonsense you’ve cooked up over there internally. most people dont subscribe to communities they like… I only do it to avoid your homeboy’s spamming and similar users.

    This is starting to feel more like a shitty porn collectors club than a legit part of the federated universe that happens to specialize in porn. And guess what the internet already has plenty of ? yep! porn Collections, you nailed it.

    Not even sure I’m allowed to ask this since the instance rules dont allow us to “lawyer rules”, but nothing in sidebar even attempts to address how you want up and downvotes to be used… maybe start there… You’re removing features for people using them within the defined rules (none).

    Rule Eight) No Rules Lawyering: Admin decisions are final and arguing with them can result in a suspension or banning of your account and removal of your content. (if you feel a community is not being sufficiently moderated or properly following these guidelines, please contact an admin.)

    Please tell me we aren’t talking about this guy

  • manual drafting was so much fun. i miss the graphite marks on the outside of my palms haha. Its still the basis of how i operate in CAD. its so frustating trying to show people how tyo draft in CAD, who dont have hand drafting education. So much shit that i take for granted, came from those 2 courses.

    Drafting I,II and Material Processes I, II were so incredibly formative for me. I have no idea who I would be today without the basis of knowledge that gave me, and for showing me “learning can be fun” as cliche as that sounds. I didn’t even finish my degree, but it made me 100x more curious about the world around me.