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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2024


  • What in the world are you talking about? I haven’t heard of any European countries where migrants have more or anywhere close to equal rights to citizens, not to say about financial, employment, or welfare access. So you’re pretty much full of so much shit. There are powerful systems in place to guarantee that a company is able to sponsor a visa only when there are NO qualified candidates available from within the country, and even then the process is extremely slow as to discourage companies from doing it, and most people being considered need to have strong education and qualifications. If by migrants you are primitive enough to only be referencing refugees or illegal migrants and the integration issues that a few countries experience from the late waves, you need to be a moron to believe that right wing politicians give a single shit about the problems that you experience. Either way, you are not in any way within a hundred miles from not being a first “class citizen in your country”. What you are is a bitter and mean dipshit who has so little humanity left in them that they are so obsessed with hurting others. So blinded by the need to hate that they have resorted to seeking psychopathic joy over other people’s misery, over “defeat” of those who are concerned about authoritarian, anti democratic parties. These parties’ main purpose is to deepen wealth inequality and corruption further and profit off of it, and further disintegrate the protections of the working class from corporate exploitation. Abandoning social democratic values fixes none of the issues that the European people are suffering from.

  • I think that it’s very straightforward that the movement fighting against patriarchy benefits everyone suffering under it and empowers all of its victims. I will elaborate more in a second but first, here is the fundamental definition of feminism:

    Feminism is a range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.

    Gender equality, also known as sexual equality or equality of the sexes, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender.

    I understand your concerns about the word, and it was about women when it started, obviously, as women have needed and still need to fight for basic legal rights and autonomy, but since its inception the movement has evolved and widened a lot. It is also crazy how arguments like yours disregard all the battles that feminists fought - ones that are the reason why we all have a better society, healthier relationships and kinder childhoods. All these changes have benefited men no less than women. Men have been substantially liberated from many harsh and crushing burdens of more extreme patriarchy, such as the stress from unequal financial burden or the responsibilities and expectations disrupting bonding with children, trauma of watching mothers receive unequal treatment or live through abuse or themselves being victims, etc. Not supporting the movement that keeps fighting for that change that benefits everyone, just because women are being abused by patriarchy more, and are therefore more represented in the movement more, is shocking to me. Disregarding and diminishing all the efforts and benefits by nitpicking over the origin of the word just seems ungrateful and unfair.

  • In my experience, in general for all movements, loudest ones are always a bit more extreme and sometimes over the edge. It seems to be very strongly coupled with activism and in many cases drives the movement forward. So I have trouble accepting that reason as an excuse to so quickly dismiss something, especially a major movement.

    However this is a very widespread issue and a reason my comment sounded a bit annoyed. But since it is an actual problem, articles and discussions like this are important and meaningful. Hope your community keeps growing and more men who struggle with of abuse from the patriarchy are able to find a safe space and a support system 🧡

  • Then there are also people who drink or used to drink a lot or use lots of recreational drugs in higher than safe doses and call it adhd when they experience memory or attention problems… When I finally admitted I needed help, it was after years of positive lifestyle changes not having any effect. That’s very bad too because I pretty much tortured myself for too long, most of my potential went down the drain and I became a person who pretty much no longer trusts themselves and is always scared of pursuing opportunities because of inevitable spiraling into dysfunction. That scenario is something nobody should end up in and people need to feel supported to seek help to minimize such damage, but those making zero effort and completely jumping over so many first steps in helping the typical and very common symptoms is really irresponsible. Having people claim to have adhd just because they have memory problems, or attention problems from spending unrestricted and unmonitored amount on apps designed to break the brain, or a textbook burnout… It’s not just insensitive to those who are suffering from the disability, it is also detrimental to give amphetamines to a body that needs care, rest, or exercise.

  • If anyone wants proof that this post is in absolutely bad faith and malicious, read ops comments defending USSR. The criticism of the other server could may as well be valid but it is impossible to know if your posts were taken down because the were critical of US or because it was obvious it was an alt for tankie propaganda. I do wish the admin of the instance knew the difference between commie and tankie though, as the first one does not warrant a defensive response and the other has an immoral agenda. Too bad many modern western communists totally swallow the authoritarian pill.