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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • If you’re right and Trump is going to successfully end electoral politics, assuming you win 2024 by the skin of your teeth, you’re just delaying fate until 2028, when Trump will run again and beat Kamala, who the DNC will ordain as the candidate despite her disastrous 2020 run (or it will be long enough since Hillary lost they’ll force her on us again). Either way we lose and Trump wins eventually. If anything, a win in 2024 will leave the DNC with fewer state and legislative seats to prevent literal constitutional amendments (see the 1000+ state-level seats Obama lost during his term and the general trend of losing congressional seats during a presidential term). It’s a sad reality, but it’s the fruit of the actions of a political party that hasn’t really been into winning at electoral politics since 1992. You’re probably going to bring up that Biden lost fewer seats than expected in 2022, but that’s not the own you think it is. The DNC could have readily kept the house in 2022, but decided to completely fuck the NY map so that the head of the DCCC could keep his seat (which he did not anyway) resulting in the loss of 5 seats that should have gone dem. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it actually care about being the firewall against the GOP’s extremism it pretends to be.

  • Both sides aren’t the same. The DNC is run by PR executives who don’t care about winning or losing as long as they make a percentage on the ad spend for the election. The GOP, meanwhile, is run by corrupt politicians who need to win in order to quid for a later quo of a do nothing million dollar a year job for a megacorporation. Perhaps it would be most fruitful to reflect on how you try to “persuade” voters and examine if that contributes to the toxicity of the DNC brand and the likelihood of voters unhappy with their performance turning out.

  • The DNC is only going to become more prone to losing the longer they’re propped up by an electorate that doesn’t force them to improve. Maybe you can drag Biden over the line this time (you can’t imo, the GOP has a structural advantage vs polls and Biden is just dead in the water in polls) but that only rewards the complacency that has led to them being this bad at elections. The GOP stepped in Brexit-level shit when they got Roe v Wade overturned, the fact that the DNC is doing as poorly as it is proves out what polling has shown, the DNC brand itself is deeply toxic in many states. We’ll just be here in 2028 with you saying “We need to hold our nose and just vote for Kamala, even though Biden just nuked Laos because Netanyahu asked him to.” Had Trump won in 2020, he’d be about to be term limited out and the blowback from Dobbs, his inflationary monetary policy, and Gaza would have fallen in his lap, putting the GOP in a worse position this cycle than they currently are. But they aren’t, because you voted blue no matter who. Now he’s going to come back, bigger and angrier than ever, and we didn’t even hold a primary to try to find someone who can beat him.

  • Voting blue no matter who is what got us here, with a DNC that runs bad candidates picked in woke filled rooms behind the scenes, and doesn’t allow real primaries to pick the strongest candidate. A great example of this is Henry Cuellar, a pro-life conservative who Nancy Pelosi moved heaven and earth for in the primary, literally lying to the dems in that district, saying she knew the FBI had dropped the investigation. Now we’ll just lose that seat because the DNC would rather it go red than be occupied by a progressive. The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. The DNC isn’t in fighting shape and the longer they’re propped up, the worse they’ll do against the GOP every cycle, which only emboldens the GOP to do crazy shit because the opposition party isn’t a threat to them no matter what they do.

  • If the left dumped the DNC and made them unable to reliably win elections in 2000, we wouldn’t be here right now. Arguing that we can never start the hard but necessary process of making the DNC go the way of the Whigs is like arguing that climate change is too hard to deal with. It’s not going to actually ever get any easier and the longer we wait the harder it will be.