• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • “Any argument, I guess, that would oppose those findings, in our opinion, aren’t necessarily based in fact.”

    On the one hand, I kind of agree that the arguments presented so far seem pretty thin and were addressed by the report already. So would agree with this statement for those arguments.

    On the other hand, this seems to discount the possibility that there might be any counterargument against the approach in the report period, regardless of that counterargument’s validity. In terms of safety, I’ve not seen any yet, but I at least allow for the possibility that some might exist.

    Though, the fact that the provincial gov’t hasn’t provided any yet, despite being highly motivated to do so, might mean that there aren’t really any.

    Even so, I think one should take the attitude of being open to addressing any counterarguments as they come in on rather than dismissing everything outright in advance.

  • I agree the money could be put to better use, but it’s not even being proposed. The money is just being used as an excuse to swat down people that have been swatted down their entire lives.

    That’s exactly it. At least keep talking to them and try to find a middle ground proposal.

    I’m not a fan of going ahead with the search. The risks to the searchers and the environment (risk of toxic leaching, etc) is too great in my opinion.

    So the article links to another which mentions a report that was made on the feasibility of conducting the search, and it seems that this is disputed somewhat. It’s claimed by the other side that there is a way to conduct the search in relative safety, and the report outlines what measures would need to be taken.

    Anyways, I find myself in complete agreement with what you wrote:

    Maybe it wouldn’t have become so dangerous and impractical if we had taken action on this much earlier. The delays have made it worse and each continued delay makes it even moreso I expect.

    To me, the above is an argument for starting the search now (instead of waiting longer and making it even riskier and more expensive later).

  • No single entity that I’m aware of would but I was hoping that a number of charitable foundations and NGOs with large endowments might be able to come together.

    Even if this did happen, but then they couldn’t come up with the full price tag, it might still be the case that their substantial contributes might be enough to get public funding for the remainder.

    I guess the point is that this isn’t even being considered as an option. It’s just a flat no, we won’t even talk about it anymore sort of denial.