Hey now, initially it never mentioned anything about being a LIVE goose.
Hey now, initially it never mentioned anything about being a LIVE goose.
I understand, and Canada hasn’t been the only country in perusing.
I can hope that the emboldened nature of US fascists helps wake up other countries that may not have fallen too far already.
After years of putting oneself in danger and doing rather than saying, you start to look at how can you improve the life of your family. The battle of trying to make this country better, is it what is best for my family?
I’ll bring poutine and timbits, too.
Guess it’s the ol’ #2.
My wife would have issues with that regardless. 🥴
I actually do know the majority of “Oh Canada”.
Goose, easy.
Beaver? I’m fucked.
Will maple syrup make do?
I’ve been pushing off coming to Lemmy for a while.
I, personally, am not even going to entertain giving anymore traffic to Reddit even to edit my previous posts.
It isn’t.
The only time I’ve “caught” a goose was after it chased my bicycle and broke its neck in the spokes of my wheel. 🤷