• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 10th, 2024


  • Whoa! Lots of assumptions there, pal. Projection much?

    I never said it was cheating or a shortcut, that was all you. I never said people like you should die. You do you and good if it has worked so far, but that does not mean that it is going to work for every single person who gets this suggested by their doctor.

    That does not mean that every person getting this surgery comes out of it scot free forever, look at the data. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    Calling me judgemental is not te flex you think it is.

    Carry on.

  • Sources:

    Adams TD , Davidson LE, Litwin SE, Kim J, Kolotkin RL, Nanjee MNet al. Weight and metabolic outcomes 12 years after gastric bypass. N Engl J Med2017

    Thereaux J , Lesuffleur T, Czernichow S, Basdevant A, Msika S, Nocca Det al.  Long-term adverse events after sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass: a 7-year nationwide, observational, population-based, cohort study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol2019

    Johansson K , Svensson PA, Soderling J, Peltonen M, Neovius M, Carlsson LMSet al. Long-term risk of anaemia after bariatric surgery: results from the Swedish Obese Subjects study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol2021

    Saad RK , Ghezzawi M, Habli D, Alami RS, Chakhtoura M. Fracture risk following bariatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int2022

    Scarpellini E , Arts J, Karamanolis G, Laurenius A, Siquini W, Suzuki Het al. International consensus on the diagnosis and management of dumping syndrome. Nat Rev Endocrinol2020

    Ostlund MP , Backman O, Marsk R, Stockeld D, Lagergren J, Rasmussen Fet al. Increased admission for alcohol dependence after gastric bypass surgery compared with restrictive bariatric surgery. JAMA Surg2013

    Kauppila JH , Tao W, Santoni G, von Euler-Chelpin M, Lynge E, Tryggvadóttir Let al.  Effects of obesity surgery on overall and disease-specific mortality in a 5-country population-based study. Gastroenterology2019

  • Yes, but also that weightloss from bariatric surgery comes with many unhealthy side effects:

    Dumping; calcium, Iron, folate, vitamin A, B1,B12,D malabsortion; malnutrition, ulcers, refractory late dumping; increased risk of postoperative abuse of alcohol; depression; anxiety; increased mortality from suicide (so much for decreased mortality for not being fat anymore); more risk of colorectal cancer; Barret’s oesophagus (premalignant condition for oesophageal adenocarcinoma), etc.

    So how come this is healthier for someone? Is it a case or choosing a poison? How come anesthesia is a risk for life saving surgeries for fat people but that risk evaporates when it comes to bariatric procedures? So which is it? “We want you thinner” or “We want you healhy”?

  • I like buying and owning some stuff, sure, but not being able to do so doesn’t not make me go/feel insane.

    Sometimes guilt creeps in but then I remember I am allowed to own and enjoy things that have no other purpose than to be enjoyed. I don’t come from money, lived a very frugal life with my parents and while I went to private school all the way through college it was through scholarships and what not.

    So maybe I am justifying myself, which is fine too, but now that I can have a bit of extra change and not be a starving student I know there are some stuff that I am willing to buy for whatever reason. This will not make me poorer or richer.

  • ETA: Mostly try to find something you enjoy, not something that feels like a chore. Also, diet and fit culture are like poison so I would advice to find true compassionate professionals to help you out in your search.

    Yes in my case BUT I had to find the right exercise for me as well as the best time of day to do it.

    I now do it everyday and have done so for 17+ years. Sometimes I pepper some different stuff here and there, but nothing crazy. Also, food. The correct meals for me have made all the difference in the world in how I feel. This also includes some extra minerals that my body needs.

  • I am gladly going to share my most guarded secret regarding succulents, obligatory “I-am-not-in-the-usa” disclaimer. I live in a place near the tropics but with very cold winters.no snow though.

    Neglect is your friend. I forget to water mine all the time, if I find gnats or whatever on one just spray it lightly with rubbing alcohol or pinesol, etc.

    Specifically for propagating: Cut your petals/leaves clean off of the mother plant. I use my hands but you can use a pair of very clean scissors, then put them in an empty terracota pod no moisture and leave them be until they can “heal” the “wound”, sort of like scarring (spelling?) Then when you start seeing tiny little roots THEN place them on moist soil and proceed to ignore so they start doing their thing. My soil mix is 70 or 80% mineral material and the rest regular dirt. Hope this helps

  • Depends on my relationship with them.

    If they are not my close friends or family, something generic like wine, nice tea, chocolate, baby plant is fine.

    If they are close to me, I love giving them something I know they can use for their favorite activity or hobbie but never related to their job or school. For example I would not gift my kid something for school, that is a need and not an actual gift.

  • I can think of three options:

    My crossbow. I am not a hunter but I thought it would be super cool to learn how to use one. SO got it as an anniversary gift for me.

    My horse hair embroidery sculpture things… I am not sure what to call them yet, but I like unusual art and these fit the bill.

    My succulent collection . I have many different kinds and love propagating them.

    Ps. I don’t know how to upload pics to lemmy. Everytime I try an error pops up.