• 90 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2020

  • Pretty much what will always happen. You move away from society, you get fucked. Your mental health is down the drain. However, this allows an opportunity to introspect on how respectful your friends really are, and what you want your life to be like. Most privacy stans never capitalise on this opportunity and get fucked instead.

    We should be glad that WhatsApp with E2EE is what people jumped to, instead of Facebook Messenger or Viber or some crap with no encryption. While Facebook does abuse metadata, message content is perfectly secure and private, and your metadata does not matter much in daily life when it’s just your family and friends. I would not use it to connect to people if I was a big public activist or politician or high profile person, since both the metadata and a popular app with 0days can become a threat to my life or assets.

    I should share my testimony. My “good” friend did not give a fuck about privacy when I asked him to use Signal for me. Our communication massively decreased. A year passed, and we stopped communicating. I learnt that day that most people in life who are “friends” see you as an investment, and it can be treated as a sunk cost endeavour. Also learnt that we saw each other as friends of convenience and not necessity or truly.

  • social democrat says something critical of the CCP

    You mean the same ones that support their western establishment and its narratives? Or the anti-China/Russia rhetoric that CIA, Bilderberg, USAID and Murdoch invent and push, that these socdems also help in pushing? Such people can never be aligned ultimately, and are subservient to western empire.

    You think Bernie supporting the bombing of Yugoslavia was a one off incident? Name one US president that has not been a warmongerer.

    I do not want the likes of Bernie, Vaush, Destiny, Keffals and such clowns to be representative of, and make the Left a populist thing.

  • I have never seen a good enough answer for it, so I will take a shot today.

    Is it possible to use Windows without Registry .reg hacks?

    Is it possible to use Windows without pirated software?

    Is it possible to use Windows without a solid antimalware solution?

    The level of difficulty with Linux and Windows is similar. We find Windows easier only because:

    • educational institutions indoctrinate us with using it since we are kids
    • games and their cracks work seamlessly on Windows, the most important form of entertainment for people upto 25-30 years age
    • Windows upto 7 actually did far too much to make the UX great, something at which neither MacOS nor Linux distros succeeded at. The first Linux distro to make strides was Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with GNOME2, where I started my journey.

  • Do you know why various Asian martial arts forms like Tai Chi or Kung Fu, or Indian Yoga system exist? This is why. They are therapeutic ecosystems that enforce some amount of discipline and physical activity, with extra bonuses like self defense or superhuman levels of mental peace.

    You need to learn mindfulness and being content with boredom, so that you are stable during SHTF times. Growth comes from a thriving/growth mindset, not a survival one, or thinking life is just about passing time away until death comes.

    Here is a term I am inventing: unshittification. Unshittify your life. Take a break from pleasures and dopaminergic activities.

  • So a call to action to dox people? Why are you threatening people and calling them names?

    LOL, look who is scared, the one that made vote ledger public that was not supposed to be public. It is not for public, only for admins and instance owners. Are you so scared of internet things happening to you, that you are okay with doing to others? Do you now understand your actions are wrong?

    Aren’t you a mod?

    Firstly, I am not a mod in this community. Secondly, being a mod is completely irrelevant to judging someone’s actions. That is like saying I need to be the president of a country to judge another president. It is weird.

    While you are banned, I will not bait you with this comment. Consider this as a closure response.

  • Lying to yourself is never going to solve problems.

    Seems to work for you though?

    The internet is a place full of removed projecting their insecurities to mask their interpersonal conflicts. You are no exception to that. The more I start to realise it, the more I start to realise that participation on internet with people like you is not just a worthless, but damage inflicting endeavour.

    If you knew anything about heuristics, virtualisation and endpoint security, you would realise security even without the cloud is critical to protecting systems, and that Kaspersky provides all of that better than basically anyone else on the market. Virtualising every single system endpoint is practically impossible, which Wazuh seems to rely on.

    I am not interested in a conversation with people like you who bear anti-meritocratic nationalist biases on matters like security. Maybe it is acceptable among your ilk to do that, but I give precisely zero fucks about them and about you.

  • That is some alternate dimension reality, not the one I am living in. You probably also think malware is imaginary, and Linux is immune to it and Windows is some magical malware magnet. I do not subscribe to such ideas that belong to an extremist section of FOSS community. I am hardcore in my considerations of products/tools based on merit and performance.

    With a platform like Windows that is risky to use without a condom (antivirus or on demand scanner), I refuse to entertain the ideas of stuff like ClamAV that does not work or cloud based Defender that is not good enough, just because it may provide privacy, but at the end is unable to protect your data, your privacy and security anyway.

    I will probably just share this from 4chan.