From any hopes for a bounceback in career, a healthy love life, a more active friend circle .etc

For me it’s when you start entering your 50s. You start to think more and more in how you’ll end up being as you progress in age. Thoughts of the idea of how to maintain your health and how so much now is going to affect you set in. Thoughts on potentially retiring start setting in.

Things like getting friends and dates won’t be impossible, but they’ll be incredibly hard to get. Even if you have either, they most likely will not turn out how you expect to be whereas when you were younger, you had the time and energy on your side.

Careers and where you’ll work will just dry up where you could likely be stuck just doing retail work for the remainder of your life or any minimum wage position.

Very few people make a difference in their 50s or already had their life planned out to where they’re fine in their 50s. But a lot of the time, people really don’t.

    1 month ago

    Do you know why various Asian martial arts forms like Tai Chi or Kung Fu, or Indian Yoga system exist? This is why. They are therapeutic ecosystems that enforce some amount of discipline and physical activity, with extra bonuses like self defense or superhuman levels of mental peace.

    You need to learn mindfulness and being content with boredom, so that you are stable during SHTF times. Growth comes from a thriving/growth mindset, not a survival one, or thinking life is just about passing time away until death comes.

    Here is a term I am inventing: unshittification. Unshittify your life. Take a break from pleasures and dopaminergic activities.