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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I am with you here. I have a 2003 BMW Z4, not as expensive as people expect it to be, fun to drive and have had very few problems with it. 114k miles on it.

    Though I have not had to do any major fixes on it I do sleep better at night knowing that I have several friends who are car guys that have all the equipment and tools to pretty much fix anything on it, within reason.

    Also, lots of enthusiasts for those cars out there, plenty of forums with 20+ years worth of documentation from people fixing their own roadster and helping others fix theirs. Small car, physical buttons and controls, well engineered, fast, fun and reliable.

  • Unfortunately not long after the first movie came out some component company on the back end had financial troubles and the rights to the movie got caught up in an ownership battle or something like that. It’s been a while since I read about why the sequel was never made even though everyone seemed primed to do it so my details may be fuzzy on it but it had something to do with the rights halting the project for a long time, like 15-20 years or something like that.

  • I get your point too. Kevin Sorbo was the name that came to my head first, for some reason, and Kevin Costner followed. TBF though, Kevin Costner has won 2 Academy Awards, one for Best Director (Dances with Wolves in 1991) and has been nominated for a best actor award. He does have a long list of industry accomplishments in various roles. Kevin Sorbo doesn’t have anything close to that. I’m not a big fan of Kevin Costner but objectively speaking he is accomplished in his career.

    Kevin Spacey wouldn’t have been better though, with his rapey background and all that, wouldn’t feel right putting him forward as something to aspire to.

    Maybe Kevin Sorbo and Kevin Kline would have been a better comparison.

  • Wise to wait a month or two, maybe, maybe not, i have a window to return them free of charge so if they didn’t work for me it would be no cost to me and I wouldn’t have to wait for them to come back in stock if they did indeed work for me, this way I don’t have to stress about it.

    I agree with Marques Brownlee, they are incredible but not for everyone and they are definitely not perfect. I think the outward facing screen is ridiculous but I do get where Apple was going with it and do not fault them for trying. This type of product is a moonshot and testing different ideas to see what works in an untested product space is a risk but I am happy Apple is able to release something like this. Could it fail, most definitely, but trying new things is an important component of success.

    Do not get me wrong, I am critical of this device, there are many things that either weren’t implemented in time or just do not work that well, but I also bought the first iPhone on release day too and watched as that developed into something more useable and fully featured. I expect the same with the Vision Pro and see many areas where there is room for improvement or functions that work but aren’t quite refined enough yet for the general population. This thing is incredibly niche, I do not deny that, but what gets me about the people who are overly critical of it are that they are so narrowly focused on what they want it to be and at the price they want it to be at that they are completely missing the point that this product is not for them, it is the precursor to what they are envisioning in their mind.

    The price is very much what to expect with future technology, and I don’t mean it is fully realized technology of today, I mean it is high priced because it is using a lot of non-standard tech in non-standard ways. It is a prototype of what we will be seeing in 3-5 years as normal. The doubters and critics in this tread are looking at this thing as a failure because it isn’t a product for the masses right now and my point is it is a viable product but for niche markets, of which I feel I am directly targeted as the exact demographic for this and I am incredibly grateful for that.

    I do not think it is silly to say it isn’t a viable product, which is what many of the naysayers in this thread who I have been discussing this with are saying, my point is that it is not a viable product for them. Apple had roughly 80,000 Vision Pro’s available for purchase on release day and I am willing to bet that of the target market that is a good mount to out out there. And if you are manufacturing something with this amount of cutting edge tech at that low of a product run then yeah, $3,500 is not a startling amount. The comments are expensive and so is the tooling and manufacturing, licensing and etc is all very expensive to get this thing to market. I am not surprised, that is just the price of niche hardware. Look at RED cameras or professional camera drones or any high tech/low volume device, it is in line and not unexpected to hit a price point in that range. What I find frustrating in all this is how little people understand the costs of what goes into making something like this and the assumption that anyone buying it is getting ripped off. It happens often with Apple products, especially their more high end lines. Sometimes the cost is way out of whack with comparable products, like those way overpriced and outdated Mac Pros, but that is because there are viable alternatives where you do not have to pay the Apple tax to get a similarly spec’s computer. The Vision Pro is a different beast because there really isn’t anything else like it.

    I am well aware not everyone can afford a Vision Pro and not everyone has a use for them, but that should not be a criticism for the product, it says more about the person making the criticism than anything else. If it isn’t what you want or is too expensive for you then don’t buy it, no one is forcing this thing on anyone. I am not gloating or bragging about being able to afford buying 2. I am tired of people judging those who bought it and saying they are idiots for wasting their money. I am not an idiot and I did not waste my money on it, I very much feel I got the better end of this deal. I don’t see why I need to accept being maligned for that. Heck dude, there are a lot of people, probably many in this very thread, who have spent more than $5,000 on their gaming computer setup (monitor, computer, gfxcard, keyboard, mouse, etc) and that is more or less just for a hobby. As a business expense that will save me tons of time to review footage and watch cuts in a virtual space with interested parties from across the globe in real time, the price I paid is well worth and much more value than that money other spent on their gaming setup. As a life expense, being able to tune out the myriad distractions and sensory issues I face at every moment, to turn on noise cancellation on my AirPods and tune out the world around me in the Vision Pro so that I can focus on work tasks or just mediating, listening to music or watching a tv show, all things I find difficult to do regularly, this thing is a godsend and that too is well worth the money spent. My issue is when others tell me that I wasted my money on it. Who are they to decide how I should spend it and what I should spend it on and what value it should have to me. That is what is infuriating about some of these vehemently negative comments on here. So immature and clearly biased by other things than just the price of the Vision Pro

    There will be competition that will copy parts of the Vision Pro and they will make cheaper variations of the headset and that is ok. That is what competition is all about and how the tech industry works. Products like this are what push that boundary forward faster and if it isn’t a perfect fit for everyone right now, well, that is normal for things like that and is just how these types of products develop over time.

    Hey though, Mr_Dr_Oink, I just want to say, in the sea of thoughtless replies and snarky, immature discussion around this I do want to say that I appreciate your well reasoned response to me. Thank you.