This is getting out of hands, economy and society are crumbling and everyone can see it with their own eyes. At this point is in the interest of any political party to stop billionares amassing wealth.
Personal upside maximization for professional sellers of ideas (aka politicians) is in using the power they attain through selling ideas to do favours for people who can pay them back the most.
Guess who can, in a money-centric society, be the most generous to friendly politicians…
I’ll give you a hint: it’s not the poor, the working class or even the middle class.
This is getting out of hands, economy and society are crumbling and everyone can see it with their own eyes. At this point is in the interest of any political party to stop billionares amassing wealth.
But the politics are getting money from the billionaires so we’re fucked
We’re fucked without violence
Personal upside maximization for professional sellers of ideas (aka politicians) is in using the power they attain through selling ideas to do favours for people who can pay them back the most.
Guess who can, in a money-centric society, be the most generous to friendly politicians… I’ll give you a hint: it’s not the poor, the working class or even the middle class.