That and it artificially inflates stocks by creating regular buy pressure. Stocks are almost completely worthless unless you get a whale that wants to buy out the company or a large controlling share. It’s not like you can just cash in your share to the company and they give you a percentage of the current value. You have to find someone else that wants to buy it.
This point is huge and seemingly overlooked by most people? Once a majority of boomers start pulling their 401k money I don’t think millennials and gen x will be putting as much money back in.
That and it artificially inflates stocks by creating regular buy pressure. Stocks are almost completely worthless unless you get a whale that wants to buy out the company or a large controlling share. It’s not like you can just cash in your share to the company and they give you a percentage of the current value. You have to find someone else that wants to buy it.
This point is huge and seemingly overlooked by most people? Once a majority of boomers start pulling their 401k money I don’t think millennials and gen x will be putting as much money back in.
They really cooked up such a great Ponzi with 401k. I’m sure it’ll get rugged right when we come of age to cash out.