For example, I only buy/use old high-end (for their day) business class laptops and put linux on them. They work for everything I need to write and surf.

I also bought an iPhone that was already a few years old and plan to keep it until it stops getting security updates from Apple. I also moved from Android to Apple not because I like iPhones better (I don’t, really), but because the years of security updates (versus maybe one or two, on Android) matters to me.

    1 year ago

    I wait for deals and keep track of prices through price tracking sites. I might decide I want more ssd or nvme storage, and then I’ll wait. Then price starts to turn like it is now and suddenly I can get more TBs for the same amount of money.

    Same for phones. I’ll decide I want to upgrade then wait for deals to pop up that hits my price range. Same for GPU. Same for TV. Same for games.

    I don’t make impulse purchasing decisions. I make a decision then wait for the market to start shifting to a price I feel like paying. Sometimes I wait a year sometimes longer. I don’t feel like I intentionally go for a furgal low end or mid range option, since for me some things are worth paying more for. But, I avoid paying retail.