Hi all,
I have had several shots at self hosting email over the years and my last attempt failed due to my home IP being in a dynamic pool. I thought I might try again, this time with a basic web hosting provider that I could set up email on. Any suggestions for a free/cheap provider with decent uptime?
I use Purelymail for my primary domain’s smtp and imap server. As long as you don’t use it for nefarious purposes like automated emails, then you should be fine. My primary use is to hook it into my services such as Vaultwarden, my uptime monitors (Uptime Kuma and StatPing) and Watchtower, so maybe less than 100 per month on it. They don’t seem to mind. They have great support via Discord and it’s been close to 1.5 years I think that I’ve been with them, no downtime.
Last time I checked it was a 1 man operation. Has the bus factor gotten better since?
Yeah that is my current mail provider but the self hosting bug bites deep
I fully understand. :)
For hosting providers, you can always scout out deals on lowendbox.com or webhostingtalk.com, especially this time of year where black Friday deals are coming. Then, install something like HestiaCP (https://hesticp.com) and it will take care of the rest of the stuff like email and site hosting. Plus - with a VPS, you get a shiny new static IP you can use. :)
If you don’t want a site, that’s easy enough, just make an empty index.html page so if a curious email recipient wants to visit your site based on your email’s domain, they just get a blank page and move on.
Either that - go with a well known hosting provider which does basic cPanel hosting with low disk space.
I’ve never dared going the route of setting up an e-mail server at home mostly because of having a dynamic IP which rotates often enough to cause problems.