Hi all,
I have had several shots at self hosting email over the years and my last attempt failed due to my home IP being in a dynamic pool. I thought I might try again, this time with a basic web hosting provider that I could set up email on. Any suggestions for a free/cheap provider with decent uptime?
Yeah that is my current mail provider but the self hosting bug bites deep
I fully understand. :)
For hosting providers, you can always scout out deals on lowendbox.com or webhostingtalk.com, especially this time of year where black Friday deals are coming. Then, install something like HestiaCP (https://hesticp.com) and it will take care of the rest of the stuff like email and site hosting. Plus - with a VPS, you get a shiny new static IP you can use. :)
If you don’t want a site, that’s easy enough, just make an empty index.html page so if a curious email recipient wants to visit your site based on your email’s domain, they just get a blank page and move on.
Either that - go with a well known hosting provider which does basic cPanel hosting with low disk space.
I’ve never dared going the route of setting up an e-mail server at home mostly because of having a dynamic IP which rotates often enough to cause problems.