Thanks for sharing this. Losing a child is so devastating people become pariah, but you’re showing people it happens and people get through it. I’m sorry your child passed, they should still be here today
Work was very supportive of me during that time, excluding my direct supervisor, who nearly ended up being fired over it. I had support from friends that helped as well.
But it being a suicide added so much more taboo to it. His birth giving parent (is a trans man) was raised very religious and had a hard time telling people it was a suicide, so I kept it quiet. Eventually they announced the suicide and me being able to talk about it in that sense really helped me a lot.
I’m glad that you got the support you needed and deserved. I’ve got a lot of respect for your boss fighting so hard for you.
Suicide is really hard, it brings up additional terrible and profound emotions. Having to keep it secret is additional stress, and isn’t a nice secret to keep. Well done for getting through it ❤️
At least your parents like metric! That’s gotta count!
But seriously, no license is needed to become a parent, one of the greatest responsibilities IMO. Maybe they don’t actually hate you, and just don’t know to parent good. If they hated your guts, why would they (badly?) raise you instead of giving you in adoption the moment you were born?
Bruh, they think I’m useless because I have depression, and they are already threatening to leave zero inheritance if I don’t “snap out of it”. Gee thanks mom, wonder where the depression came from.
Also, idk where you got that metric thing from, their only rubric is “useful” or “human trash”. In China where I was from, they literally do not have a law like the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), they treat people that have health conditions horribly. I’d rather use the imperial system if at least it means I’m not treated like shit (even though recent politics is starting to get shitty).
They just say "You won’t need these (referring to inheretance), you can just get disability income.
Like… did they not pay attention to the news? The US government is declaring war on people with mental health issues.
They are literally just going with the government narrative whereever they are. To them, it’s “work hard or else your a burden on society” and “medicine is for the weak” or some bs
No wonder why PRC is like that. Everyone in government thinks like my parents.
Its the same with American conservatism
Conservatives ruin everything and have zero sympathy. (CCP is conservative if we’re being honest, there is zero “socialism” lol)
Finding one of my children dead, it has happened once already.
Thanks for sharing this. Losing a child is so devastating people become pariah, but you’re showing people it happens and people get through it. I’m sorry your child passed, they should still be here today
Work was very supportive of me during that time, excluding my direct supervisor, who nearly ended up being fired over it. I had support from friends that helped as well.
But it being a suicide added so much more taboo to it. His birth giving parent (is a trans man) was raised very religious and had a hard time telling people it was a suicide, so I kept it quiet. Eventually they announced the suicide and me being able to talk about it in that sense really helped me a lot.
I’m glad that you got the support you needed and deserved. I’ve got a lot of respect for your boss fighting so hard for you.
Suicide is really hard, it brings up additional terrible and profound emotions. Having to keep it secret is additional stress, and isn’t a nice secret to keep. Well done for getting through it ❤️
You’re a good parent.
Unlike my parents who are just shitty and would feel relieved if I kms right now.
At least your parents like metric! That’s gotta count!
But seriously, no license is needed to become a parent, one of the greatest responsibilities IMO. Maybe they don’t actually hate you, and just don’t know to parent good. If they hated your guts, why would they (badly?) raise you instead of giving you in adoption the moment you were born?
Bruh, they think I’m useless because I have depression, and they are already threatening to leave zero inheritance if I don’t “snap out of it”. Gee thanks mom, wonder where the depression came from.
Also, idk where you got that metric thing from, their only rubric is “useful” or “human trash”. In China where I was from, they literally do not have a law like the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), they treat people that have health conditions horribly. I’d rather use the imperial system if at least it means I’m not treated like shit (even though recent politics is starting to get shitty).
They just say "You won’t need these (referring to inheretance), you can just get disability income.
Like… did they not pay attention to the news? The US government is declaring war on people with mental health issues.
They are literally just going with the government narrative whereever they are. To them, it’s “work hard or else your a burden on society” and “medicine is for the weak” or some bs
No wonder why PRC is like that. Everyone in government thinks like my parents.
Its the same with American conservatism
Conservatives ruin everything and have zero sympathy. (CCP is conservative if we’re being honest, there is zero “socialism” lol)
(sorry for the rant, feeling very suicidal rn)
Please find someone with whom you can talk.