This it way too real. It’s the reason I sometimes only get about 2 hours of sleep at night, because my brain is in overdrive, overthinking everything and making up fake scenarios that could’ve been or might happen. They never happen because it’s just wishful thinking. Why am I torturing myself like that.
It’s somehow worse when you do get the sleep, but your brain has decided to do this in your dreams. You wake up feeling angry and, rapidly, can’t remember half the reason why.
Sometimes I get this, sometimes not.
Today, I woke up giggling after a decent amount of sleep.
I would totally kick his ass
why do we do this self rate-baiting?
is it vain imaginings, where we have all the comebacks or some sort of victim persecution complex (I guess that’s another form of vain thinking)
It’s not just me??!!!
I feel called out.
I’m in this meme and I don’t like it
Force the assholes inside your head to be cool people who are funny and chill as hell.
I feel this
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