License to fish? License to… RIDE A BIKE? License to… HAVE A DOG/CAT? License to USE A RADIO? (I’m talking about GMRS, AFIAK emergency services do not use GMRS frequencies)
Why is everything a license?
What next? License to exist?
Someday they are gonna require a license to get your own water, or filter your own air (due to pollution).
Reasons for a license to fish (from a German perspective and with common sense):
repro]creation periods.License to have a dog:
License for a GMRS radio:
License for biking:
Upvote for thoughtful reply but I think you mean fish procreation periods. Nobody cares what season they go golfing 😆
Thanks for catching that. I’m sure there must be a fish-specific term that’s eluding me.
Breeding / spawning
NYC technically requires a dog license, and I can guarantee you it provides neither of these things. The streets are absolutely covered in dog shit because of irresponsible dog owners. A lot of the city doesn’t have garbage cans either (especially in Queens), and the few that exist are never emptied.
This person knows what’s up…
I don’t hate the animal, just the dog owner. These people are inconsiderate parasites that need to be taxed into compliance.
When did we as society decide that their right to own pets in dense urban setting permits them to spoil any patch of greenery and landscaping?!
Wait… i never heard of this… where is this utopia located?!
I know of them in Germany. But the duckduckgo image search reveals that they exist in many places.
Clearly not in US cities… because there is dog shit every where and dog owners get indignant when they are told to pick that shit up lol
This used to be like this in my hometown (in Europe). Then the city government placed free excrement bag dispensers in many places and did a public awareness campaign telling people to clean up after their dogs; this definitely had an effect, I hardly ever see dog poop anywhere anymore.