So now we’re being forced to have poorer performance and locked into buying more expensive hardware.

I’ll have to pass on this type of crap and vote with my wallet when ray tracing still isn’t there for the majority of pc gamers.

    2 months ago

    forcing gamers to have a sub par experience

    The game isn’t even out yet and you’re commenting on performance! As someone else pointed out, the modern Doom games have a reputation for being extremely well optimised, so let’s wait and see how it actually performs on a 20 series card

    As for needing a card > $1000 that’s just ridiculous. You can get a 4060 NEW for under 500, and again, the minimum here is a 2060.

    Re: supporting old hardware, again. The minimum is 7 year old hardware. I was also around in the 386 era and to say that devs of that time supported hardware for longer, is at best, wildly exaggerated.