Click on all the squares where you see a motorbike.
Failed! There was a fraction of motorbike behind the car in the background that you couldn’t possibly see. Try again.
Rinse and repeat, 15 more times.
More of an !unpopularopinion@lemmy.world than a showerthought.
Also, you’re very wrong.
Ads can be blocked, captchas are required to access certain contents, and some are absurdly annoying if they detect you are using a vpn or tor.
But captchas at least have purpose other filling my brain with bullshit.
And yes, ads can be blocked but a block ad is just … not there. So of course a captacha is more annoying than not seeing an ad. But that wasn’t the question. I’d rather solve captchas for 5 minues than watch a single 30 second ad.
Yeah, but captchas are something you see if your privacy minded, not staying signed in, no cookies, that type of stuff.
If you’re doing that, you’re running an ad blocker as well.
So it’s more that you see ads or you see captchas, rarely would someone run into both frequently.
Which likely lines up with what someone finds more annoying, it’s what they see most.
I don’t mind when there is one captcha. ONE. But when you use privacy tools such as a vpn, you rarely have to solve one captcha. You need to solve several, at times, losing more than 5 minutes because they refuse to let you in when they see you are on a vpn.
Yeah, changing habits is more effective way to deal with these people.
How bad do you need this content? Do you need all of it?
Use a normie browser when needed for this shiti services if you must.
They are waging a war on the working class. This is just an example of them clapping back when some pedon wants to reclaim his autonomy.
Whenever I find an obnoxious captcha, I just leave the page after two failed attempt (not really failed, but you know how it is, the system decides that you have to repeat the captcha again).
The problem is with certain services (like GoG) that I’ve had for years but that lately don’t want VPNs because reasons and will keep forcing the captchas indefinitely even when I’m login or redeeming a game. Those are the worst, and honestly? They are only harming themselves with them. I don’t buy from them anymore because last time I wanted to login to buy something, I had to go through a least 20 captchas just to login (and, of course, the audio captcha wouldn’t work because that would make me “skip” the whole ordeal). After that I decided to go to gog only if there is a game that they are giving away and I really want.
If you’d literally rather waste 5 minutes clicking on traffic lights, than 30 seconds watching a video, that’s just an excessive hate for ads.
I’m not saying you have to like them, but spending 4 minutes and 30 seconds just to avoid them, is bordering on an unhealthy phobia.
You have no idea about it because you’d rather be tracked across the net.
If you weren’t so abrasive about it, someone probably would have taken the time to explain why you should care. But when you act like that, why would people try to help you?
Right. And wrong, respectively.
I can respect that.
Yes, and Google captchas are the worsts of all of them.
I found Buster a while ago and works most of the times, it use the accesibility audio challenger to try to solve it using speech recognition. When it don’t work I found more easy to try the audio challenger, you just need to write the part that you understand and not all you hear, less picky than the images, still a pain in the ass
Thanks for sharing, will add this moving forward :)
Was there more to this thought?
My single-cell brain already delivered much more than it could.
Yes. You can block ads entirely. But the more you use stuff to block tracking and ads, the more you get captchas.
On a scale of zero to ten, how do you rate ads and captchas? Zero is completely neutral and harmless, and 10 is enough to spark acts of physical violence.
Ads are 8/10 but it’s been ages since I saw one of them. Captchas are easily 17/10.
Soo… a check list of war crimes, rivers running red etc?
These are 1/captcha, typically.
Now I know the backstory of Postal.