In a hundred and twenty or thirty years or something, the dollar will have inflated by 1000 times, so a billion dollars then will be equal to a million dollars now. It’ll cost a billion dollars for a nice four bedroom house.

But we’ll have had a hundred more years to produce anti billionaire propaganda, so a lot of people, especially teenagers, will need it explained to them that being a billionaire isn’t so bad now. The Marxist-Leninists will all be saying that Cyborg Bernie Sanders is an evil billionaire, and us reasonable leftists will be explaining that a billion dollars is just what it costs these days to own a residence in your home state and also in DC, which is necessary for working as a senator.

What we’ll really need to look out for by then is the trillionaires. Good for nothing parasites. There’s no excuse for one person to own a trillion dollars while there are people living on the streets who can’t even afford a measly ten thousand dollars for a cheeseburger meal.

    3 months ago

    Shower thought back at you: won’t we as a society just move the decimal place? Like maybe this has happened with other currency (I remember stories of devalued cash being carries in a wheelbarrel and used for wallpaper) but say the USD gets so devalued with inflation over time, that you can’t buy even the cheapest in-store item for less than $100. Like a lollypop off the tree is $100.

    Wouldn’t we just start calling a hundo a buck and our bank system would do a switchover? One day your account would read $6,878 and the next it would be $69 (nice) and nothing else would change? You were making $420/hour and now its $4/hour.