Apartheid was still an actuality
So you’re saying nothing’s changed?
Drag rides dragons and also “rides” dragons. drag/dragself person-independent pronouns. That means drag’s pronouns are the same in first, second, and third person.
Apartheid was still an actuality
So you’re saying nothing’s changed?
Killing Nazis is always the right thing to do. When drag is old and feeble and has no reason to live, drag will buy a gun and make the end count.
Lemmy is too right wing to serve as a good Reddit replacement. The queer communities on Reddit don’t want to move here because their members will be harassed.
Victorian courts have a higher standard because they didn’t allow DNA evidence
GaaaAAAaaaay meeeen, gaaaaaaay men
Cars for the mind.
Cars are killing people.
Drag didn’t encourage self harm in an ableist way. Quit lying. Don’t reply to drag anymore.
Quit lying. You’ve already been told to stop harassing drag.
News is appearing
This is misinformation. He’s clearly harvesting the tender housemeat
Yes, sending the kids outside without technology is abuse. Clothes are too important.
Paper is a technology
Maybe OP uses capitalised pronouns
( . Y . )
What if it’s just a little nibble? Less mass means less hydroxide ions
Let’s petition the mods to ban censoring swears
Why is it that you folks always seem to think a dead child is a slam-dunk in any argument?
“I like Pepsi better than coke” “tell that to the dead Palestinian children”
“The theory of dark matter has too little evidence to take seriously” “counterpoint: dead child”
“Babe, can you stop talking about dead children every time we get into an argument?” “You’re insulting their memory, you monster!”