Even got the zoom-out effect. If you’re nearsighted, totally accurate.
I dont think there is any “effect” here. Its just a picture. Allow me to demonstrate from my throne at work. You just set the focus to the location of the lense and that will do it.
I’m also slacking at work.
Lenseception :o
Don’t take pictures in the bathroom. 's creepy.
Lol wat? Nobody will know except you bunch and there is no identifying info or anything at all visible. Its literally just a wall and a door and a floor. No other people in the room either. Whats got you creeped out here?
Obviously depends on just how bad your eyes are.
But, one nice thing is, as the resolution (eyesight) gets worse, everything becomes blurry and smooth rather than blurry and pixelated like videos.
Blurry and smooth, just like the old CRT days.
And we LIKED it.
The one thing that really bugs me with old analog video that has been digitized is interlace combing. Lower resolution is usually fine, because most old TV shows knew the limitations of 480i and were engineered for it, a cooking show that listed ingredients on the screen did them in big yellow letters. But then the cook waves his hand and it looks like he’s shuffling cards and ugh.
Obviously depends on just how bad your eyes are.
Tldr: I can see perfectly fine without glasses because I have one really good eye and one really bad eye.
I wear prescription lenses. Despite that, I can see pretty clearly without my glasses. I have a scratch on my left cornea that happened when I was 4 years old. My right eye can see better than normal because I guess it was still a developmental stage of my life? I don’t know. But I can read literally every line the doctor throws at me with my right eye, and I can do it quickly. But I get stuck on the second or third line down with my left. I’m practically blind in that eye.
What happens is I look at everything through my right eye. I also have a really hard time seeing depth. Seriously, the real world looks no different than a TV screen to me. It’s hard to know exactly where something is in 3D space. I’ve adapted mitigations for it. Like, when I’m driving, I pick points on the car I can see, and if I can’t see past it, I assume my wheels are on it. I also stay way the fuck back from other cars. You see that depth perception kill me when I try to put keys in lock cylinders. I will scratch the absolute shit out of a lock. It’s like I’m drunk.
But as for seeing? I can see mostly fine without my glasses. I can read things. Distant things. I can make out detail just fine. I can navigate the world perfectly. My powers of perception are pretty close to zero. Glasses don’t stop me from stubbing my toes. Really, they’re only there to keep my left eye from straining. And to be in compliance with the restrictions on drivers license.
My wife’s sister had LASIK a few years ago. Prior to that, she was - for all intents and purposes - blind without them. Like Velma Dinkley, she could not move without them. She could make out fuzzy shapes, but she could not accurately grab an object in front of her. For her, it really was like seeing in 144p. The surgery was seriously life-changing for her.
Apparently moving your head around a bit can help with depth perception issues.
For me it’s something like 720p with blurry details and double vision vs crystal clear 1080p. Fuck astigmatism, it makes my glasses cost more 😭
They charge you more? So, how is it called the dystopia you live in?
Lenses for astigmatism are trickier to produce so on average they are more expensive. Not much, tho. Still in the range that I can afford easily, so I wouldn’t say dystopia lol
My prescription is just strong enough that the cheapest available option from the cheapest Chinese manufacturer is like $100
My eyes are getting worse over time, so I get new glasses every four or five years. When I switch glasses, I suddenly realise that trees have individual leaves, they’re not just a green blob. Anything over ~1.5 meters away is blurry without glasses. I can see fine for most things but I can’t read or tell the time or see fine lines at those distances
Technically it’s not the resolution that changes, but the optics (unless you want to bring out the fancy math and treat it as a sampling resolution thing based on smallest recognizable detail)
Ye we aint out here walking around with everything looking like pixelated japanese porn.
this picture is highly accurate, my last dr got me to 1440p (20/15) eyesight
If I have some nicotine after a coffee it feels like I get faster refresh rates as well.