My grandfather owned a farmhouse out in Nebraska, and we’d go out to the “crick” and wade around in leech infested waters and get bit by mosquitos until sundown. Then we’d pick ticks off the farm dog and dread going to the bathroom because he had a rule “if it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down”
He also ran a nudist colony in the desert in California during the winter months. Interesting man.
Where in Maryland if you don’t mind me asking? The western parts it makes sense due to west virginia infection but I imagine the further east you get the less crick you get.
My grandfather owned a farmhouse out in Nebraska, and we’d go out to the “crick” and wade around in leech infested waters and get bit by mosquitos until sundown. Then we’d pick ticks off the farm dog and dread going to the bathroom because he had a rule “if it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down”
He also ran a nudist colony in the desert in California during the winter months. Interesting man.
Crick is plenty cromulent, there’s no need for the quotes
I’m gonna put “quotes” wherever I “damn” well please
You’re not my “real” dad
Crick is up here in Maryland too
Where in Maryland if you don’t mind me asking? The western parts it makes sense due to west virginia infection but I imagine the further east you get the less crick you get.
I’m FROM northern center and western Maryland. I’m on the Eastern shore now.