☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2020


  • Detecting doesn’t mean much if it’s just a notification that there’s a stealth aircraft somewhere within 100mi.

    Guess how long it takes a hypersonic weapons to cross 100mi.

    The sources you gave earlier about detecting stealth are low frequency radars. And they said they’re good for detecting stealth fighters. Stealth bombers are more tuned for low frequency.

    This is publicly known unclassified technology, if you don’t think that military tech is more sensitive then what can I say.

    Kinzhal (the missile the articles are talking about) is the ballistic missile I was taking about, it’s not a hypersonic maneuvering missile.

    And best US air defence system can’t even deal with it, let alone faster missiles. Thanks for making my argument for me. Meanwhile, Russia will now be exercising patrols around US coast with ships capable of carrying nuclear capable Zircon missiles, that can hit US mainland in seconds.


    Also, maybe you can explains why burgerland is testing hypersonic missiles. According to your “logic”, there is no reason for US to be trying to build them since its already got stealth bombers. Yet, for some weird reason, US military doesn’t think they’re enough. It’s as if your whole argument is complete bullshit.


  • Indeed, and this explains a lot of the problems we’re having on the global scale as well. Our brains are optimized for a relatively static world where we have short term concerns like not getting eaten, and making sure we can feed ourselves. We didn’t need capacity to plan decades into the future throughout most of our existence. Here and now was always more important, and our psychology prioritizes immediate wellbeing. It’s hard for us to make sacrifices that reduce our current standard of living for the benefit of our hypothetical selves sometime down the road.

    This is precisely what gets us into trouble when it comes to dealing with large scale problems like the climate crisis. Most people understand on an intellectual level that this will be harmful, and that we need to be addressing this problem. However, the scale of the problem is so huge that it’s difficult for us to understand it on an emotional level in a way that would spur us into action. It would mean having to make serious changes to how our society is organized, our consumption habits, and so on. So, we just keep doing what we’re doing while the problem keeps getting worse.

  • Again, Iraq air defences were incredibly dated technology. They’re not representative of modern capabilities.

    Obviously stealth just decreases the detection range, but it can decrease it so far that you can weave between the mile or so of air defense detection and still drop bombs.

    Given that, as you admit, this hasn’t actually been tested in practice, nobody knows how well this works. The links I provided above make it pretty clear that stealth aircraft can in fact be detected, and this is just public unclassified stuff. Furthermore, as I’ve already stated earlier, the missiles and bombs the aircraft uses can themselves be intercepted.

    Yeah hypersonics do do that, but none of that needs stealth! They’re standoff range munitions, you’re outside of the enemy air defense bubble when you fire them, because noone has an air defense bubble larger than their range.

    Right, that’s my whole point. You don’t actually need stealth when you have weapons that can engage from outside enemy’s air defense bubble. And having weapons that can fly really fast makes them far more effective because they can engage very quickly despite long ranges. Response time is everything. Incidentally, the plasma bubble that’s created by a hypersonic weapon as it superheats air in flight also acts as radiowave absorbing sheath making the weapon stealth. This further reduces already minuscule response window.