Want more GNU in Linux, so Guix, btw. पूंजीपति will be sent to corrective labour camp.

  • 36 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • That’s a subjective take. GNU Nano has always been the default editor for so long alongside vi. But when you say that Emacs keybindings are good for Mac user - I can’t help but wonder - what type of generalization is that? Do you have a source to back this claim?

    Now, don’t get me wrong - I love Kakoune. But no one outside of the developer community will make an effort to learn atypical text editors with chords and modes.

  • Joblessness and social isolation? After graduating at September 2022, unlike other students who already secured their jobs around March, I had nothing. And it’s still the same for me. I dread applying to jobs. It fills me with so much fear, I don’t bother. At one point I had a really bad panic attack, that I deleted all my Git accounts online, and every project backup, shut down my laptop, doing nothing for almost two month except staring the roof, because I was so done. I could not believe that I had sacrificed my teen, getting isolated, losing out on socializing, partying and all that shit. I convinced myself that this would reward me, because those cringey grind-set YouTubers told me, and that I was probably the main character or something. I completed my engineering degree with such great difficulty, because I was severely depressed, I lost all my sleep, I stopped attending classes, waking up at 12 in the noon. I’m going to be 24, and I’ve successfully wasted two years without any experience, nor any degree to back my use of time.

  • I’d be interested in hearing out what part of the requirement sounds unrealistic to you, as a semi-mobile computing device? There are gaming laptops with low and full-profile mechanical keyboards. Then there’s damage-resistant semi-rugged and fully-rugged books. And at least in my assumption, my reasoning for a thicker thermal solution was because I wished to see a laptop with some nice heat-spreaders. And then, a slightly bigger battery for more juice, which is common in a rugged device.