They wouldn’t have carried it around if they had to use their hands.
They wouldn’t have carried it around if they had to use their hands.
I don’t know how to feel about this.
Is there an adult around? I mean, I’m an adult but like an ADULT adult.
Can confirm. Am dwarf, I don’t like holes. I like elves, fellowships and killing orcs. And my ax!
My car just materializes around me when I need it.
SDV has a really satisfying farm-reward cycle. It’s also very varied and you are free to pursue multiple possible paths for character growth as well.
Wasn’t it cars that came in for repairs that were burnt?
I don’t think this hurt them at all.
I’m not American, so I may be out of place here, but you shouldn’t celebrate or support arson or terrorism.
We went through a drug war here during the time of our own strongman president that cost the innocents. His justification, wholly adopted by his supporters, was: the ends justify the means.
It was horrible and wrong. This is also horrible and wrong.
Now that you mention it, there is a feeling of being rushed by the day-night cycle in SV. And I think that may be part of why I found it “grounding” during the pandemic but a bit of a hassle these days.
Stardew Valley is not a bad game.
Me and Serana are not just in love, we’re involved!
Even if she’ s an ancient vampire.