Keelah Se’lai.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’ve worked retail, office jobs, call center jobs and warehouse jobs. I made an office ‘friend’ in two of those jobs. One who id grab drinks with outside of work and another who id chat to via text occasionally. But as our jobs changed and lives moved on. So did we.

    I don’t feel the need to be forced into social situations, people are tiring and there’s better things I could spend my time on that being shoved into a room with co-works who I have no interest in talking to and have no interest in talking to me.

    Both my best friends are long distance friends. I’ve known one for 13 years, we’ve met up once. And one for 9 years who I’ve never met in person. And they’re the best friends I’ve ever had. If they have issues, I’m right there via text or call to help. Same if I have issues. We send eachother gifts for birthdays/ Christmas, or just because. The 9 year friend and I do a book trade and recommend eachother things we think the other would like (not just book recommendations).

    My partner and I have been together for almost 2 years now, we live in different countries. And it’s honestly the best relationship I’ve ever had. Not because of the distance, we visit eachother multiple times a year. But the distance also isn’t an issue.

    So long distance friendships/ relationships can work.

    Just because some people need that face to face interaction, doesn’t mean everyone else does. Especially when it’s forced by a workplace. If it was to meet up with a friend, I’m sure it would be more welcomed. But being made to meet up with co-workers who aren’t friends/ close with, that sounds miserable. Being made to do something you don’t want to do/ aren’t interested in is never fun. Ever try get a teenager to clean their room? Often not very high on their list because it’s something they don’t want to do. The same can be said for social events with co-workers for a lot of people.

  • It’s easier to hope someone will have information on an individual who’s is reported on. Someone might see the article and realise they saw her in a coffee shop with a man, looking very uneasy. And tip off police.

    Whereas homelessness is a much harder thing to tackle. That requires government intervention rather than individual intervention from someone who saw something suspicious. And getting a government to care about homeless people is a huge ask.
    I hate that we have a homelessness issue, and I hate that it’s not reported on much at all. Things should be in the public eye, in hopes that people wrote to their local rep to try get help.

    But it’s more likely you’ll find a missing person (dead or alive) by posting an article than it is likely you’ll resolve homelessness.

  • thepixelfox@kbin.socialtomemes@lemmy.worldIf it fits, I sits
    7 months ago

    Nowhere in your link didn’t it mention sex toys cause a rectal prolapse. So maybe link something appropriate.

    Also, people generally don’t start straight up shoving huge sex toys into their orifices. It’s built up and if it’s a problem then they stop.

    Personally, I don’t want anything that big near me. But if others want to, it their bodies, they’re free to do whatever they want.

    The air we breathe causes our cells to degrade which results in aging and death.
    Smoking is bad for you.
    Junk food.
    Skydiving could kill you.
    But it’s not our place to police what people do with their own bodies. If they want to snort coke off a hookers ass, then that’s their choice.
    If someone wants a giant dick in their ass or vag, that’s also their choice. If they cause issues for their own bodies, they’re the ones making the choice knowing any risks. It does affect you, so why are you all up in people’s business that doesn’t affect you?

    Stop trying to police people’s bodies and what they do with them.

  • I wouldn’t mind uniforms, if they weren’t like 3 times the price of regular clothes.
    My school sweater was a blue v-neck. But it had to have the school name and logo on it. So it was £50.
    If they’d just said, v-neck royal blue sweater and let people buy their own from whatever store, that’s fine. We had specific ties too, so if they just said we had to buy the ties from the school but the PE shorts/ netball skirts, football socks, polos and the school sweater should have been able to be purchased from any old store.

    I agree, non-uniform days were hell for me. I was the kid of the working class parent, and the emo/ goth kid. I didn’t own anything that wasn’t fitting of my aesthetic. So I got bullied badly. So I appreciated the uniform. But the prices are the issue. And school that demand girls wear skirts and not trousers, I have a huge issue with that. If girls want to wear trousers, it shouldn’t be an issue. It makes me question whether the people implementing the rules are just sexist, or sexist and pervvy.

  • Public schools here are insane. It’s like £50 for one sweater. And it’s got to have the school name/ logo on it. So you can’t just go and buy a generic sweater the same colour.
    And you’ve got to have at least 2, so when one is getting washed, you’d have one good to go.
    There’s black shoes, not trainers, but smart shoes.
    White shirts. Black pants/ skirts. Specific socks. £15 a tie, which is specifically in school colours so no going out to buy a cheap generic tie.
    Then there’s the PE kit that has to be bought from the school. £20 for shorts. £20 for the polo. £10 for football socks.

    Altogether when you’re done it’s around £300. Which, if you’re generally working class/ out of work, you’re fucked.
    My sweaters faded after half a year, so mum had to buy more. They’d of fit me the entire time, but she had to buy new ones pretty much every 6 months because they just faded in the wash. And that was in the 00s. My mum hates buying uniform for my younger sisters, apparently it’s crazy priced.
    Now schools here are doing blazers too, god knows how much they are.

  • I’m an introvert. And was as a child too. Talking to friends via msn messenger was my preference. If my mum had of removed my technology I’d of had no way of talking to my friends that was comfortable for me, it basically forces face to face social interaction if you want to talk to people.
    Which triggered an anxiety response and made me very tired.
    So I imagine banning tech from children will result in introverted children having to be in situations they don’t enjoy and not being able to feel comfortable communicating in ways they are comfortable.
    It could result in children just shutting themselves away because they dont enjoy the face to face. Which can result in depression. But forcing them to be uncomfortable in social situations can result in serious anxiety and even more discomfort in social situations, if you’re forced into something it can create more of a distaste for that situation/ thing.
    The times I was dragged to things with my mum, it made me hate parties etc all the more and my anxiety about them got worse.
    Whereas if it’s something I chose to do for myself, it had less of a negative effect on me than if it’s something I was forced into.
    So if introverted children prefer texting, messaging etc then you take that away from them, it can result in them having to do things they aren’t comfortable with, which can have an effect on mental health. As it’s forcing them into different things they don’t really want to be doing.

  • So long as you own their stuff. Since they pulled shit with Bethesda, I’m pretty certain we can see blizz stuff going from playstation. It only mentioned call of duty getting a 10 year promise. No mention of diablo or overwatch.

    So you’ll get to play, if you own a pc or Xbox. Microsoft can’t stand the fact Sony beat them in console sales constantly.

    I’m fully on the, this deal should have been blocked side. They’re monopolising like a toddler hording toys so nobody else can play with them.

  • In terms of the suicide one, men use more lethal methods like guns for example. Whereas women use less lethal means, such as overdose/ cutting their wrists. So men have a higher success rate, but women attempt it more.

    Men having no reproductive rights suck, I hate that men have to deal with that issue. It’s a seriously unfair thing. Men shouldn’t be allowed to tell a woman to get an abortion or to keep a baby, as ultimately it’s her body. But in the case of a man not wanting a child but the woman does, they shouldn’t be forced to then be stuck paying money. I’m not sure how something like that would work, but it shouldn’t be just forced upon the man to pay for something he didn’t want.

  • Of course they had to mention the online safety bill. Fuck off with that one, it’s not ‘to protect the children.’ it’s for control and spying on everyone.

    Smart gadgets can be exploited yes, but where do they stop? No privacy. Certain tech banned? Complete open policy where we have to let the gov see everything like our private messages, bank statements, listen to our calls, implant a chip in us so we can be tracked on the off chance we refuse to use technology they can track?
    This government is going crazy with the antiprivacy bullshit and it feels like this is going to be another ‘we need access so we can be sure people aren’t being abused’ lie, so they have more ways to spy on everyone.