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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • You should look up the Grysk on Wookieepedia and learn about the Unknown Regions. It’s a fascinating take that would actually have made Palpatine the good guy, and it’s possible Ahsoka or the sequel trilogy was supposed to do this or is doing this.

    Basically there are warmongering races a lot bigger than Star Wars beyond the edge of the known galaxy and they will invade, it’s not an if, its a when. Palpatine can see the future and knew it was coming, but nobody would believe him.

    So he chose to unite the galaxy, amass an army, and create super weapons so when the time came, he would be able to defend the galaxy against the Grysk invaders. This even extends to his secret fleet at Exegol - he would not leave the galaxy undefended even if he died.

    What’s even more interesting is both Captain Phasma and Thrawn are canonically from the Unknown Regions(Thrawn is Chiss, Phasma is Parnassian) so Palpatine may have even been trying to unite other races against the Grysk and asking them to fight alongside him.

    If this is all true, and I believe it was the original book sequels or something, then Palpatine would have been more of an Antihero, and the Rebellion would have freed the galaxy, but doomed it to annihilation from the Grysk.

  • Hollow Knight is an excellent game with no tutorial whatsoever.

    When you start a new game the ways you aren’t supposed to go are guarded by armored bugs you can’t kill, or a large guard who can one hit you. This teaches the player that generally if it’s bigger than you it will kill you.

    After wandering aimlessly enough, because the game does not show you where to go, the only way to proceed is by challenging the False Knight boss, who is much bigger than you.

  • I dunno man I smell a rat.

    • The fact that LTT says Gamers Nexus should have reached out implies they didn’t. Most proper news sources include “so and so did not respond for a request for comment”. Really? Steve didn’t even bother to call and ask? Tells me GN is fishing for views or something here. Steve always tries to get all his facts right but didn’t reach out to the source - why? Big oversight for Steve.

    • Even if they auctioned the prototype due to miscommunication Linus is willing to do the right thing here, and the fact that GN referred to it as selling not auctioning for charity tells us Steve is biased.

    • I, too, am mostly just saddened by how fast the pitchforks were raised. Nobody asked LTT what was up, nobody asked if it was true. Opened fire without cause for broadside. In this tight knit tech YouTuber community, that’s bad.

  • Don’t use Timeshift. Copy what files you need from the old drive to the new one with the new system running.

    If all you’re doing is moving drive to new system, move it and boot that sucker. Linux has all the drivers in the kernel and will boot on anything

    However that’s not what you’re doing. For changing drives, if you can’t just clone your old Linux drive(can’t because it’s dual boot) then just do a clean reinstall and copy over what you need. A hassle, maybe, but you’ll avoid merging things from the old system and the new.

    As a general rule of thumb, if you move your entire home folder or Timeshift, it’ll restore a bunch of stuff you either don’t have installed on the new system or it’ll overwrite something you need. Best to do it clean.

    Also I wouldn’t bother with the Raid 0 personally because it just introduces slightly less performance for basically no benefit in your case. So you can lose an SSD and still boot - is that really a priority when you could always boot USB or windows for recovery? I’d map the second to like /mnt/steam/ and put your games there for a dedicated Steam drive for increased performance, and you can always reinstall all that.