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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 9th, 2024

  • Would you say that an OS forced update type error like this is so rare that Delta didnt need to plan for it? If I understand you right, its not actually a problem that Delta used Windows for their servers, at least not to the point it would affect liability.

    If Delta was the only airline who set up their infrastructure in this way, to the point it was markedly different than other companies, could they argue they essentially didnt protect at all?

    I’m still having a lot of trouble figuring out how CrowdStrike would even assess a risk like this if the possible payment is based on how well a company recovers and how much income they lost.

    I actually agree with your 70/30 split but unless Delta paid more than the other airlines to justify the pay out in damages, its still confusing to me how the amount CrowdStrike has to pay to some degree does depend on Deltas setup and restoration.

    I think theres just not any better of a way to handle this and I’m searching for an answer that doesnt exist.

  • I think we might be well past the days of honest natural sport. Thats not me saying we should be cheating, but trying to get back to that isnt possible, we have to figure this out moving forward not just for women or trans people but for all the other ways science affects sports.

    Its not natural that someone with enough money for the best training science can provide them is almost guaranteed to be in the top percentiles of their sport.

    What’s interesting is that this has been true since at least roman times, with funding going towards training and gear, even if the participants themselves might not be wealthy.

  • First thank you for taking the time to type all of that out.

    I think I follow your theory well enough but (I know this is 2 weeks later so I won’t look up any new information) I was under the impression delta was an outlier in their response compared to other airlines.

    And one point about redundancies. Why shouldnt they consider a single operating system as a single failure point? If all 6 servers in the multiple locations all run windows, and windows fails thats awful right? Can they not dual boot orhavee a second set of servers? I do this in my own home but maybe thats not something that scales well.

    I’m interested if your opinion has changed now that there has been a bit of time to have some more data come out on it.

  • The person telling you no isnt saying you are a shit person, it means they aren’t interested in you. You’ve surely met women you aren’t interested in right? You would be right to tell them no if they asked you out, as the alternative is lieing and misleading, and will cause pain in most cases.

    Its okay for someone not to be interested in you. Breath a little, step back and calm down. Its like some version of main character syndrome.

    Also, I would consider it a huge red flag if someone had such a negative reaction to being told no when asking someone out. It implies there is a lack of confidence and self assuredness that is a base requirement to be in healthy relationship. We all know women are very careful of red flags and share them with each other as well so this can be self defeating.

    If you want to find someone to be with, then you need to figure out how to properly treat someone like an equal, which includes respecting both yourself and them enough to prevent a negative reaction to simply being told you aren’t a persons preference.

  • Because to those outside of religion, its a choice to be religious. All of those least worst Muslims or good Muslims or good Christians or whatever you want to say, all should not be in those religions to begin with.

    I’m not saying to destroy the community, break off and make your own “fuck the shitty versions of our religions” sect.

    At some point people need to be held to their decisions, despite the community social pressure aspect, as the only way to counter that is equal and opposite pressure.

    If you can figure out how to remain in a religion and cause that kind of backlash then I suppose you would be the exception.

    Just to summarize, all religions are bad, so being part of them is bad too, even if you are a good person. Can’t be a good Nazi right?

  • Where do you think personal preference comes from? You are born either liking or hating dogs? You need to do some better reading as it appears you replied after reading a quarter of my post.

    And yes, someone who reacts like the OP to the situation they are in is a red flag for me. They are childish and selfish, and can’t even consider that the dog is a whole other living being that is involved in this situation.

    It shows an incredible lack of compassion or understanding and thats not even considering the attitude they have towards their actual human family members.

    I understand wanting to vent but this is not that, this is asking for validation. I would never post something so awful about myself but hey, different perspectives right.

  • Aren’t you being purposefully obtuse by refusing to consider the idea of a battery swappable phone that is IP68 certified? Its almost certainly going to happen with the line of phones in Europe that will have swappable batteries and it’s not even that far into the future.

    I think this post is about change moving forward, not making sure our past decisions were sound.

  • They didnt say greedy landlord, they said they had a bad experience with their visit. I’m not sure why you are jumping to make excuses for an imaginary landlord in the first place. The only information you have to go on so far is negative and you have no reason not to trust it.

    What does a greedy short stay landlord look like to you? Some would say charging a cleaning fee and also requiring the person to clean the place themselves would be double dipping or, dare I say, greed?

    What about when there are no longer new families moving into your neighborhood because there just aren’t enough houses to rent out these days and profits have to keep going up?

    If a landlord is focused on profits above all else, they are greedy. If they hold the quality of their service for their tenants above all else, good chance they aren’t motivated by greed.

  • rekorse@lemmy.worldtoCasual Conversation @lemm.eeIt's official, I hate dogs
    11 days ago

    It raises flags because most people who dont like dogs are either afraid or dont get a long with them. If you were afraid you’d say that, but you said you dont like dogs so the reasonable assumption is that you dont like dogs because dogs dont like you.

    Its hard to find a comparison but it would be similar to saying “I dont like my mom”. Unless you have a follow up story involving abuse that was not your fault, you are the problem.

    That said, there are plenty of people who feel immense fear around dogs or other negative emotions, and while that perspective can be changed over time, its by no means required.

    I think this whole post would benefit from the OP adding more background about why they feel so negatively towards dogs, but they seem to want to blame it on dogs or their family rather than think about that.

  • rekorse@lemmy.worldtoCasual Conversation @lemm.eeIt's official, I hate dogs
    11 days ago

    The only reason I disagree is because ive had both perspectives so I know theres a possibility to change if wanted.

    I very much disliked my mothers dog for a long time. Didnt want to take care of it or be around it or anything. Thought she was annoying and clingy.

    Nowadays I just see the dog different, despite all of her problems getting worse with old age. I feel compassion for her and it makes me happy to see her having fun when I come to see her now.

    Its very easy to let an animal just be an inconvenience or a problem, but I think the key is giving the animal a basic level of respect. You wouldnt treat the dog that way if it were a human in that situation.